The ex returns

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Knuckles and Amy cuddled under the master emerald while enjoying a show they both love. "So knuckles I was thinking maybe this weekend we could go on a couples getaway?" "Yeah that actually sounds like fun Ames I'll see if Tikal could watch the island for me." "Ok!" She smiled very excited. Knuckles chuckled watching his girlfriend run down the steps to start packing. "I love her" he smiled and called his cousin who was more than happy to take over for the weekend.

Friday morning comes and Amy was already up loading everything up. "Wow you're really excited for this trip" knuckles said handing her a cup of coffee. "Thanks and of course I am I always wanted to do a couple getaway" she smiled and he does as well. "Well I can't wait" he smiled. "Hey knuckles!" Tikal smiled walking up. "Hey cousin thanks again" "No problem now get going ya crazy kids!" She pushes the couple to get going. They arrived to the national park and stop at a store to get their log cabin key. "Knux? Amy?" They turn around and see Sonic and Shadow. "What are you guys doing here?" Knuckles asked. "We're getting some snacks before our hike" shadow said and grabbed sonic hand. "Yeah if you guys want a recommendation try the underground kayak tour it's awesome" Sonic said. "Wait are you two?" Amy asked and they nod. "Turns out shadow and I have a lot in common so we thought why not and here we are 3 months later" Sonic smiled and kisses shadow. "Wow that's awesome you two" knuckles smiled actually happy for them. "Anyways we got to get going have fun guys" Shadow said and they leave. "Wow I was not expecting that." Knuckles said. "Same" Amy replied and they head to their cabin. "So what should we do first after we rest up?" He asked. "I think the underground tour thing I never been before" "Ok" he said and sets up their tour time.
Awhile later knuckles and Amy by hoodies after being informed that it will be cold. Amy was excited about the tour. "Knuckles?!" A voice rang and knuckles froze. He turns around seeing Julie Sue walking up. "Omg you look good!" She said and hugs him. "Sue?" "Yes knux.... Listen I regret the break up.... Could we start over?" "No" "oh knuckles I'm so.... Wait no?" "Yes no Sue now if you'll excuse me I need to get back to my girlfriend." He said and walks right over to Amy.

"By the end of the week you're gonna be mine knuckles"

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