Pros and cons

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Knuckles sat at the alter finally taking his cousin's suggestion while a couple of chao, sleeping near by and a few island creatures roaming around. So far they all have the same amount of pros and cons. "Welp this really complicates things more...." He said to himself. He decided to head for a swim and placed the shield on the emerald. The water felt nice caressing his body as the warm sun beats down on the water. As he rose up under the water knuckles sees a pink hedgehog smiling. "Hey knuckles" Amy smiled. "Hey Ames" knuckles replied and got out. "What brings you here?" He asked. "I thought it was a nice day for a swim but umm I was wondering if I could join you" "Yeah sure Ames" he smiled. They talked and swam for a good while until his stomach growls. "Want to get something to eat?" He asked and she nods. They get out, dry off and head to his house. Knuckles starts fixing some baked spaghetti. "So ummm knuckles what do you see in a relationship?" She asked. "Oh well.... Someone I guess wouldn't mind living on the island and deal with the harsh weather.... Someone who like to talk or hell I wouldn't mind cuddling watching a movie. I just don't want to be alone or sleep alone anymore...." He admitted putting the meal into the oven. "Knuckles I had no idea...." Amy said. "It's ok Amy honestly it's nice to get that off my chest." He smiled. They enjoy the meal and decided to watch a movie. Amy lays her head on knuckles chest which he didn't mind and put his arm around her. It felt nice for him to have someone here. Amy drifts off to sleep as the movie ends and knuckles sleep not long after.
The next morning knuckles wakes up to fresh coffee being brewed up and banana pancakes being cooked. "Morning" Amy smiled playing. Knuckles smiled and sat at the table. "Morning" he said. They eat the fresh breakfast before she leaves to open up her bakery. Knuckles smiles as he walks to the emerald seeing shadow at the bottom of the alter. "What brings you here Shadz?"

Shadow has the echidna pinned to the hallway wall kissing passionately and wildy. Knuckles heart was racing and groan when shadow sucks a sweet spot on his neck. The burst through the bedroom door and removed each others clothes before enjoying a wild sexual night.

The next morning after shadow left knuckles was beside himself and was thinking more. "Hey knuckles!" He heard Amy said. "You hungry?" She smiled bringing him his favorite sushi. "Yeah come on up Ames" he smiled. She does and the two sit and talk while enjoying the rice and seaweed wrap meat and vegetables. Knuckles was enjoying Amy's company and she was taking her time which he appreciated. When the sun started to set Knuckles invited Amy to stay the night which she happily accepted. He gave her one of his shirts and they cuddled together as they fell asleep.

In Knuckles's heart he knew.... That Amy was the one he wanted to be with.

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