His smile 🍋

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Knuckles feeds the flickies as he walked to the lake to clean up any more debris from the storm last week. Rouge left once it let up and barrow a black Nickleback shirt from Knuckles. To put over her dress since it was still raining but not as hard. He still couldn't believe he had sex with rouge multiple times in one night. He actually enjoyed it a lot more than his ex. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a baby flickies crying seeing it out of its nest. "Hold on little one help me help." He smiled and grabbed a leaf before picking up the tiny bird and places it back in the nest. "There you go little one" he smiled and its mom lands on his should and rubs his cheek in thanks before joining her baby in the nest. He smiled and continues the clean up. "Chao! Chao!" He turns seeing a few of the island's Chao coming to help him. He laughs as they try lifting a tree trunk. He looks around and thinks that it would be nice to have someone around to help him again and to talk to. He loves the creatures on the island but they don't really talk talk. He shakes his head and helps the chao with the trunk. As he sets the broken wood down and stores them in the wood shed he hears a familiar sound approaching him. "Hey rad red!" Sonic smiled walking up. The echidna turns seeing the hedgehog with his smile. "Hey blue" he replied shutting the shed door. "Soooo um listen I was going to go to Tikal's bar tonight to watch the game and ummm thought you would like to see your cousin.... And hang out." He asked. Knuckles hasn't seen his cousin in awhile so he thought why not. "Sure what time?" He asked.

That night
Hours and way to many drinks later

The echidna and hedgehog burst through the hotel room next to the bar run by Tikal's husband kissing wildly. Clothes thrown off, hearts racing and excitement filled the room. The blue one pins the red one down and licks down the red body to the throbbing member. The echidna moans feeling his member being sucked on and eyes rolled back. He grips the pillow under him then the hedgehog head with the other. He felt pressure in his tail hole as the hedgehog thrusts his fingers inside the moaning echidna. "Fuck~" knuckles moaned as he came. Sonic licks back up and kisses knuckles as he enters the prepared hole. Knuckles back arches by the new feeling inside of him. Sonic sucks and licks Knuckles's neck while gripping his wrist thrusting faster making knuckles choke in his moans and drool. Sonic's hot breath on the silva coated neck making Knuckles shiver throughout his body making him submit more to the hedgehog. Their moans and the smacking sound from their bodies colliding filled the room. They both came and breathed heavily but the echidna wasn't done and rolled the hedgie over kissing him then flipped him on his back thrusting in. The blue one gasped and grips the sheets. His tongue hangs out as knuckles muzzle wedged between his neck and shoulder pounding him. Knuckles held Sonic's head back by his hedges to gain more access to the blue ones neck. His tongue licks Sonic's neck thrusting deeper and sonic moans tongue still hung out. Knuckles slams once more and came once more as well as Sonic.

He pulls out and they pass out.

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