What am i going to do

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Knuckles called Shadow and Rouge who confirmed his theory. Now he's thrown for a loop. Sonic and Amy leave once the snow let up and he heads straight to silver and blazes house and as luck would have tails and cream are there too. "Hey knu-" "Silver I need to talk to you and tails!" He interrupted the white hedgehog. "Yeah sure come in" silver let's him in and knuckles walks straight to the living room. "Knux what's wrong?" Blaze asked seeing the confusion on the echidnas face. "What's wrong I'll gladly tell you what's wrong! I got dumped by Julie Sue went to blow off stem from the break up at Club Rouge by dancing and drinking" "YOU DANCE?!" they all said. "Shut up! Anyways apparently it grabbed Sonic, Amy, Shadow and Rouges attention and now they're all in love with me!" He covers his face and plops on the couch. "Wait whoa what? They're all in love with you?" Tails asked and knuckles nods. "How are you sure?" Cream asked. "Because all four of them came to the island and told me..... after hours of awkward silence......." He growls. "Well that would make sense in Sonic's actions that night....." tails said now connecting the dots. "What am I going to do..... I don't want to break their hearts..... and hate me.... Argh!" He groans. "Seems like he's gotten in a predicament guys... silver said. "Silver can't you just take me back in time and stop me from going to that fucking club....." knuckles pleded. "Sorry knux but I can't if I was there too" silver said and knuckles buries his face into the couch.


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