Amys surprise 🍋

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It's been 5 months since knuckles choose Amy and their relationship is going extremely well. The critters that roam the island love Amy and she helps clean the debris if a storm came. Knuckles felt extremely happy he chose her. She later moved in last month and the two have been very happy with it. Now I bet you're wondering have they had full blown sex? No. The two focus on building up a trusting relationship. Yet tonight that will change because Amy has a surprise for knuckles. "I hope he will like this." She said setting the table. "Amy?" Knuckles said walking in the house. "In here knuckles" she hollered smiling. "Something smells wonderful in here" he said walking in and stopped seeing Amy in a stunning dark green dress. "Wow and I didn't think you could get more beautiful" he smiled and kisses her. "Thank you" she smiled. They enjoyed the candlelight meal Amy prepared having wonderful conversations. After the dinner knuckles told Amy he will clean up the mess and Amy kissed his cheek. She heads to their room and she changes before laying in bed. Knuckles later enters the room and was shocked when he saw Amy laying on her side in a silk lace lingerie. "Whoa~" he smile. "We waited long enough I just hope I perform to your liking~" she flirted and sat up on her knees and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I agree but I don't care about your performance I care if you get satisfied~" he kisses her deeply a slips off one of her straps. "Then satisfy me~" she smiled and unbuttoned his jeans as he removes his shirt. She lays back as he gets on top and they kiss passionately. He kisses down her body as he removes the lingerie. She moans when he licks back up her body and kisses her. "Knuckles please take me already~" she begging feeling the heat of his member near her slit. "You su-" she flips him on his back. "That answer you're your question?~" she smiled and he was impressed. "Very~" he smiled and rolled her on her back kissing her neck and he thrust in. "Ah~" she moaned. He listens to her blissful moans as he starts pounding her. "Knuckles oh god~" she said and yank his red fur back pinning him. "Well damn ames~" he smiled. "Shut up and buck up that thick big boy in me~" she smiled and rode him. He grips her hips bucking his hips and watch her soft breast bounce. "Fuck Ames you feel so fucking good~" he groaned. "So do you!~ ooooooh Fucking yes!~" she screams. He sits up and wraps his arms around her and they look in each other's eyes as they continue to make love. "God you're so beautiful~" he said slowing down. "Your heart is so kind I wish I noticed sooner" "oh knux I wished I noticed your kind heart and amazing body~" she smiles and he smiles too. "My body?" "Shut up!~" they laughed and continued their love making.

"So she is good in bed after all. Enjoy it I will have him soon enough"

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