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Knuckles wakes up with his head throbbing and looks over seeing a passed out Sonic. He looks under the covers and blushes once he brought it down. He suddenly recalled what they did and groaned now redder than his fur. "Argh god damn it..... why is my life so complicated...." He thought and got up to take a quick shower. He walked into the lobby head still throbbing when he heard Tikal's voice. "Hey cuz!" She said cheerfully but knuckles groans. "Whoa sorry forgot you and sonic got wasted last night come here knux let me give you my hangover remedy. "Thanks" he said. They enter her and her husbands home and she makes him a steak omelet with soothing honey tea. "So when did you and sonic start dating?" She asked smiling. "We aren't dating.... I don't even know who I want tikal...." "You mean what you want?" She said plating the food. "No who....." he explains his situation and the recent events. "Oh my god that is a heavy situation...." She said as he starts eating. "Ya think?" He replied and takes another bite. "Honestly sonic and I were just going to hang out but the drinking and talking and then I wake up naked in bed next to him.... What's next Amy bombshells me with my favorite dessert and I fuck her too or Shadow getting straight the point? I'm so confused......." He said. "Hmmmm well what we could do is maybe make a pro and con list? Hell if you were to sleep with Amy and shadow judge who's better in bed." She suggested and he looks at her rising a brow. "So what play with their feelings? Just for that?" "It's all I got" "well I guess I'll give it shot...." He said finishing his food and hugs his cousin before leaving. "Hey knux?" He turns seeing sonic walk up and was blushing. "I ummm wanted to say that um even though what we did was not planned I'm glad it happened.... It was probably the best experience I ever had.... But I just hope you had a good time too...." He said and knuckles felt kinda moved by his words. "I actually had fun too sonic yet you know I need to still figure things out..." "I totally understand knux I'll see you around ok?" "Yeah" knuckles replied and Sonic kisses his cheek before running off.

"My life is such a mess...."

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