New dress 🍋

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It's been a month since that night at the club. Rouge as promised was the first customer at Blazes shop and bout the first dress. Yet she wasn't done shopping and looked at all the other dresses. She spots a white cocktail dress and tries it on. "Oooooo~ knuckie would love this~" she smiled and gets it along with many other dresses. She goes home and puts it on admiring herself before flying to the island. She smiles seeing the echidna at the M.E alter feeding flickies sunflower seeds. The flickies enjoy their special treat before flying to the guardian thank him. "H-hey" he chuckles as they fly around him brushing up their head on his cheeks. "Your welcome I'll see you guys tomorrow ok?" He smiled and they chirp happily flying off. That's when he noticed rouge flying down and blushes seeing her in her new dress. "Hey knuckie like my new dress I just bought it from Blaze and Creams dress shop." She smiled and posed. "It looks nice...." He said clears his throat. "Look I'm rouge I'm stilling trying to wr-" he stops speaking once he notices a change in the climate. "Shit.." he runs down the alter and activates the shield. "Knuckles what's going on?" Rouge asked flying down to where he stood. "Rouge we need to get inside bef-" it was too late the rain poured down down hard in them and knuckles grabs Rouges hand and they ran to his house. Once inside they both were dripping wet. "Welp guess you stuck for a couple of d-" he blushes a very dark red and turns away. "What's wrong?" Rouge huffed. "Y-your d-d-dress its its w-wet..." the echidna stuttered not looking at her. "Yeah of course it's wet that what happ-" she looks down and notices her skin is being shown through the white fabric and she has no bra on. "EEP!" She covers herself but then smirked. "Since I'm stuck here I might as well take the opportunity~" She thought and unzipped her dress. Knuckles hears the zipper and a plop noise. "Oh god tell me she didn't take her dress off.... Please tell me she didn't...." He thought and felt her turn him around then pin him against the door. "Like what you see~" she smiled. He takes a quick glance at the sexy bat only in her wet underwear then back up. "I just umm let me get you a change-" she cuts him off and kisses him. His heart startled racing when the warm lips of the bat touched his. His eyes closed and kissed her back. "Now I got you~" she thought as she unbuttoned his pants letting the wet jeans fall. Knuckles breaks the kiss and removes his wet shirt before picking up Rouge and took her to a guest room. They kiss continuously one they were on the bed and they strip their underwears. Knuckles licks and sucks on rouges neck as he thrusts inside her. Blue eyes roll back as white ears fold back then a pleasure moan leaves her lips. Her legs wrap around his waist and hands grip the headboard as the echidna bucks his hips. "oooooh god knuckie!~" she moaned the faster he went. His hand grips one of her large breast and pinch the nipple between his index finger and middle finger with each squeeze. Their lips touch once more as tongues wrestle. "Faster sweetie~ please!~" she begged and he went faster rising her hips a bit and squeezed her thighs. Her breast bounce as she drools from her mouth. "Fuck you feel good!~" he grunts slamming deeper in her. "SO DO YOU AHHHH!~" she hollered as she came. "Fuck I'm close!~" he said. "Not in there!" She begged and he pulled out just as he came and it lands on her body. "Now put it back in and fuck me some more~" she grins and he does as they go another round.

2 hours later

They lay there out of breath and just laid there in silence. "Whoa....." knuckles said his mind blown. "You are very good~ why did Julie Sue leave you?~" Rouge purred tracing her finger on his chest. "She didn't say just that she wasn't happy...." "I'm sorry sweetie" she said and kisses his cheek. "Now if you choose me I'll always here for you sweetie~" she smiled and Knuckles actually forgotten that she along with his other three friends were fighting for his attention. "Let's not talk about that please....." he said. "Ok sweetie~ " she kisses him and they go at it again.

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