The choice

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Knuckles woke up next to Amy and asked her to stay while he called the others up. When they all arrived knuckles took a deep breath. "I'm just going to get stright to the point but..... I choose Amy" "WHAT?!" Shadow, Rouge, and Sonic said in shock. Amy smiled and felt her heart flying over the moon. "Ok why?" Rouge growled. "Excuse me?" Knuckles said. "Why did you pick her of all people?!" Sonic snapped. "Because the past 4 months she's the only one who has taken the time to get to know me and understand what I want in a relationship unlike you three who drags me into bed whenever you get the chance that's why!" He yelled and the three look down. "Look hate me all you want but do me a favor and don't hurt Amy because I'm the end she's what my heart wants. Now please leave my island." He said and they do. "Knuckles I'm so happy" Amy said and they hug.

"I'm not going to allow her to take him"

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