Drowning in darkness

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Knuckles and Amy smile as they paddle through the underground cavern. The tour guide talks about its history of how it came to be and how bandits would use this to hide their stolen goods. Knuckles wasn't to happy that Julie Sue was in their group but he shook it off and focused on Amy. Sonic and shadow surprised them as well by being a apart of the group. So kinda awkward vibes. Amy stops paddling for a bit and told knuckles to go ahead. Yet he soon heard a splash and realized her kayak rolled over. "AMY!" He turns around and so did the tour guide. They mangled to roll the kayak back over as amy gasped for air. The tour ended early and amy was checked out. The quick actions saved her from drowning. They returned to the cabin and Amy started packing. "Amy why are you pac-" "Knuckles I want to break up....." "what?" "I want to break up.... clearly theirs still hostile feelings..... because you chose me and I'm not going to stick around to get killed because someone can't get over you....." she cried and knuckles heart breaks but understands. "Ok.... Let's go...." He said and the drive home was upsetting but he knew someone was guilty. Amy didn't see who did it as dark as it got but he knew three people had motive.

2 months later

Knuckles sighs looking at the sun getting ready to set. Amy still comes to visit him and hangs out but that's all. Deep down knuckles misses Amy but he has to move on. "Hey knuckles....." he looks at the bottom of the altar and sees Sonic. "What do you want?" Knuckles said. "Mind if I join you.... Shadow and I broke up.... I could use a friend right now...." He said and knuckles waved him up. "What happened?" He asked. "I found out he tipped over Amy's kayak and we fought.... Turns out he still loves you....." sonics ears flatten. "I'm so sorry...." Knuckles said. "It's whatever.... Anyways how are you holding up?" "I miss her but I'm getting over it.... Turns out we are just better off as friends." Knuckles admitted. "That's cool" Sonic said and they watch the sun disappear and the stars start to shine. "Want something to eat?" Knuckles asked. "Sure"

1 hour later

They lay there shocked at the unexpected sexual encounter. "Well wasn't expecting that...." Sonic said and was pleased. "Yeah me neither....." knuckles said feeling the same. "Wanna go out?" Knuckles asked. "Sure.... Wanna go again?" "Why not"

They kiss and go at it again.

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