Wedding planning 🍋

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"Ok you two" Amy said walking in. A loud clunk makes the two jump when she plops a large pile of books and magazines on Knuckles kitchen table. "Jeez Amy.... Is all this necessary?" Sonic asked. "Of course it's necessary" Tikal said and plops down books of fabrics on the table. "Girls we really don't want a big wedding... so we don't-" "Small or big baby cousin weddings are a celebration of two people joining together as one. So are we thinking a spring, summer, fall or winter wedding?" Tikal said. The two look at each other. "Ummmmm" they said. "Sonic what do you think?" "I don't know knux... ummm maybe spring?" "Sure..." knuckles said and the two women looked at them unconvinced. "Knuckles. Sonic. Let's start with this. What defines you two as a couple?" Amy said. "Well that's easy we both grew up together and fought a robot craze dictator. We had our ups and downs, laughs and tears, and we're there for each other through the hood and the bad." Sonic said and Knuckles smiled feeling the same way. "Awwwwww I love that. Ok now next question what is your favorite season" Amy smiled. "Winter" they both said. "There ya go we will do a winter wedding!" Tikal clapped her hands together. "Now let's start planning!" She finished making the two laugh.
The next day knuckles kisses Sonic's sleeping forehead before getting up to guard the emerald. He sits at the alter watching the snow melt while sipping on hot tea. "Next year.... Next year I won't be alone anymore because I'll be happily married to someone special." He said to himself. "Hey knuckles" he sees rouge and shadow at the bottom steps holding hands. "Hey you two" knuckles said walking down. "We heard the news congratulations" shadow smiled. "Thanks" "Well I hope someday I'll have a ring on my finger" Rouge hinted. "Rouge you said you wanted to date a year." Shadow laughed. "True" she said and kissed his cheek. "Anyways here it's late" he hands him a Christmas gift. "It's from us both" Rouge smiled. He sees a sexy male lingerie in the bag. "I....umm.... What?" Knuckles stuttered blushing redder and the two start laughing. "That's a gag gift here's your real gift" Rouge gives him another bag. He opens it cautiously and sees a new coat. "Thanks guys I really needed one." Knuckles smiled and puts the coat on. "Fits nicely thanks" "we got sonic one too" Shadow chimed and gave him the other bag. "Thanks guys are you going to be at Tails New Year's party tomorrow?" Knuckles asked. "Unfortunately not G.U.N has us going on a mission and we're leaving as soon as we leave the island." Shadow said. "Oh we'll be safe you two." "We will and congratulations again" Rouge said and they walk away passing Sonic. "Hey what brought them here?" Sonic asked and noticed knuckles coat. "That looks nice on you" he smiled. "Well they got it for me and got you one too" "really?" Knuckles nods giving him the bag. "Aw nice!" He smiled putting it on. "Looks good" knuckles smiled.

Later on knuckles waits for Sonic to get back with their take out from their favorite Chinese restaurant. He looks at the gag gift and bit his lower lip thinking about it. His curiosity got the best of him and he grabs the bag as he head to his room. He looked at the lingerie for a good few minutes. "Fuck it why not" Hasidic and puts it on. He walks into the bathroom and was actually impressed how good it looked.

"Ok time to take this off before sonic sees this" he said and walked out to change

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"Ok time to take this off before sonic sees this" he said and walked out to change. "Well hello~" knuckles jumped and saw Sonic leaning on the doorway. He licks his lips checking out the now red blushing echidna. "Where have you been hiding that~" Sonic said walking up to his fiancé. "I...I...." Knuckles stuttered. "I was about to take it off..." he finally said. "Oh?~ Well then" Sonic pulled him close smiling. "Let me help you~" he smiled and kisses the sexual dressed guard. "What about our food?~" "It can wait~ right now I'm craving a sexy red meal right in front of me~" Sonic grabs the echidna and pins him down on their bed. "Holy fuck that was hot what took over him?~" "You should dress like this for me more often~ it's really bringing the animal out of me~" Sonic purred removing his shirt and unbuttons his jeans. "Really?~" Knuckles said watching the hedgehog get up and dropped his jeans. "Oh yeah~" Sonic smiled and crawled on top. He kisses knuckles deeply as his hand feels down his loves body. His thumb plays with the band of the the black underwear and glides his hand to Knuckles's rear. He squeezes the firm ass before thrusting his fingers inside the small hole. "Fuck~" knuckles moaned and rolled his eyes back as the fingers hit his prostate. Sonic sucks on the red ones neck as his fingers pop out and he starts slipping the underwear off. He uses the fish net stocking and wraps it around knuckles wrists tying him to the bed in seconds. "The hell?" knuckles said and tried to get out but was impressed by the knot. "Have you been practicing your knots?" "Yep~ and good thing too because Imma ram you until you pass out~" Sonic smirked. "Who are you and what have you done to my fiancé?~" knuckles smiled loving how sonic is taking full control. Sonic smirked and kisses him deeply as he thrusts in. Knuckles moans vibrating their lips. Sonic starts thrusting faster and sucks on knuckles neck. The blue hedgehog enjoys the moans and groans coming from his lover. Sonic sits up a bit and puts the echidna's legs over his shoulders before leaning down again and rams deeper. Knuckles gasps at the increased in speed and deeper thrusts. Lips touch once more as sonic increases the speed. He hits that spot making knuckles break the kiss. "RIGHT THERE!!! FUCK!!!~" he screamed in pleasure. "That's right now screamed my name~" Sonic said and hits the spot again a bit rougher. "Sonic!~" knuckles screamed completely drunk in lust. "That's right~ keep going~" Sonic smiled and admire this once proud strong guard now a submissive mess under his control. He thrust on that spot as he starts rubbing his lovers members as he continues to moan and yell his name. "Sonic oh god!~" knuckles said as he came. "Look at you~ such a good boy~ submitting yourself to me~" "JUST KEEP FUCKING ME PLEASE!~" knuckles cried out completely loosing his mind lustfully.  "Oh I will my sexy bitch~" Sonic said and continues until he gripped the red ones hips and shoved his dick deeper then came inside. Knuckles actually passes out making sonic smile then kiss his forehead.

Sonic unties knuckles and cuddles up next to him drifting off to sleep.

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