Julie Sue's temptation

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Mace approached his little brother at the alter on a beautiful summer day. "Hey baby brother!" Mace smiled. "Mace is it your turn already?" Knuckles smiled walking down. "No I just wanted to come and spend time with my brother" mace smiled. "That actually would be nice" knuckles smiled and put the shield up. The echidna brothers head to Knuckles's house and they sit at the kitchen table. "So big day is 3 months away you excited?" Mace asked happy that his little brother has found someone special to spend the rest of his life with. "Well yeah mace of course I am. Anyways how's Demna and the kids?" "They're good excited for the wedding" "I bet" knuckles laughs. "Say where is your groom to be?" Mace asked. "He's working today he'll be home later" knuckles replied and gets up to make them drinks. "Oh has he moved in?" "Yeah and he's been great"  knuckles smiled very happy as he gave his brother his drink. "That's good" mace sips on his drink. They talk for a few hours then go into the living room to watch tv until sonic got home and they all hung out. After mace leaves sonic heads upstairs to get something when the door knocks. "I got it!" Knuckles hollered as he answers the door and was shocked seeing Julie Sue standing there in a sexy dark red dress. "Hello~ knuckles~" she purred and walks in pushing the stunned echidna against the wall. "Sue what the fuck are you doing?!" He yelled and she kisses him. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Sonic yelled breaking the kiss. "Sonic please! She kissed me!" Knuckles pleaded. "I know she did! What the fuck Sue?!" Sonic yelled pushing her off. "I made a mistake breaking up with you knuckles! I want us back together I want us to get married! Please knuckles~ remember all the fun nights we had?~ the laughter~ the mind blowing sex at the alter?~ we can have that again~" she said in a tempting seductive tone. "Please knuckie~ take me back~" her eyes appear to glow. Sonic noticed the glow and looks at knuckles seeing his eyes starting to glow the same color. "Oh hell no!!!!" Sonic said and pushed Julie Sue down breaking her eye contact with knuckles. His eyes returned to normal and he shook his head. "What..." "Knuckles she tried to put you in a trance!" Sonic said. "What?!" "IM GOING TO KILL YOU HEDGEHOG!!!" Julie Sue pulls out a gun and points it at Sonic's head.


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