{chapter 2} Medicine Den (Timberkit)

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Timberkit followed Rainwhiskers into the medicine den.

The tangy smell of herbs hung thickly in the compressed air of the medicine den.

"there is the sick cats den." Rainwhiskers pointed with her sleek blue and white tail to a stone hollow with a trickle of water flowing down the stoney side and into the makeshift pool.

"back when the clans first discovered the territory, the old medicine cats used the pool of water to have the sick cats or injured cats not have to go far for water." Rainwhiskers purred.

"that's so cool!" the kit mewed. He did like Rainwhiskers tell him stories, it was much better in his opinion then the rasping voices of the elders who repeat themselfs alot.

"and here is my own den, which I will share with my apprentice when the time comes." the older she-cat moved a lichen overhang to reveal a quite sandy hollow with moss laid out as bedding.

"seems... Comfortable" The kit dabbed at the sand with a paw before shaking flecks of it off. "sticky."

Rainwhiskers purred in amusement "definitely." she closed the lichen overhang and continued into a dimly lit room with piles of herbs.

Each herb carried a distinct smell that overwhelmed the kit's senses.

"this is the herb storage, I store herbs in here." Rainwhiskers looked at Timberkit and grinned "any herbs you find interesting?" the older cat asked.

Timberkit sniffed around and looked at the herbs gathered before him.

"what herb is that?" he sniffed at the dark leaves in front him "those are dock leaves," Rainwhiskers narrowed her eyes onto the herb and back to the kit in her den "if you need to use the dock leaves, you first need to chew the leaves into a pulp then spit them onto your paw, after that you gently rub the chewed leaves onto the scratch. It does sting a bit and the dock leaves taste horrid."

The medicine cat mewed and wrinkled her nose as if she was chewing the herb at that moment.

"another thing about the storage, at first it was only a cleft, but when one of the underground tunnels collapsed, the cleft grew large enough to walk in." the she-cat added.

Timberkit was about to respond when he heard someone calling for him.

"Timberkit where are you?!" The familiar voice of his sister filled his ears. He turned to Rainwhiskers "I have to go." he quickly said as Coyotekit came tumbling into the den with Monarchkit, the two of them hunched over each other.

"go ahead, Timberkit I'll see you around." Rainwhiskers purred at him before he trotted out the herb storage

The kit grinned at his littermates "missed me already?" he teased as their heads turned towards him "nope, just worried." Coyotekit purred while pushing Monarchkit off her little body with her little but strong paws.

"anyways, Sharpstar said we are going to be apprentices tomorrow!" Monarchkit mewed happily "finally!" Timberkit was excited for his apprentice ceremony.

"yup! Now let's get back to Aquawhisper, she wants us to sleep early." Coyotekit mewed annoyed "okay." Timberkit didn't want to leave his mother waiting so he trotted back to the nursery.

Sagekit was already sleeping in their mothers fur. Timberkit nuzzled into his mother's soft fur followed quickly by Monarchkit and Coyotekit.

Timberkit soon drifted into a soundless and peaceful sleep.

Timberkit woke up in a unfamiliar clearing, there was cat scent. Some he recognized as ThunderClan, yet it was old. And there were none of the scents that he could recognize.

He spotted the lithe shape of a cat sitting on a boulder, that stretched out from the ground as a paw. Four gaint and ancient oaks stood in each corner.

He unsheathed his claws and slowly stalked forward.

"hello, Timberkit." the she-cat's voice sounded sweet and calming, although her pelt was glimmering with stars, she looked like she didn't want to do him any harm.

"no need to be scared.. I was a medicine cat in Thunderclan just like Rainwhiskers. Infact I was her mentor." the glimmering she-cat spoke.

Timberkit sheathed his claws and looked up in a curious way "what happened to you? What is this place!" Timberkit remember he was just sleeping in his mother's protection.

"this place does no harm, Infact it's also called a dream from starclan." the old medicine cat mewed, amused at the kits reaction.

"dream from starclan?.." the kit mewed confused "yes," the she-cat was amused at his reaction.

"we don't have much time" the she-cat turned to the darkness above, filled with light dots called stars. "remember, Timberkit, Fire cannot defeat Fire, many will fall under ragged claws, strength against Fire, many will rise under noble paws."

" what?.... Fire cannot defeat Fire? Many will fall under ragged claws?... Strength against Fire? Many will rise under noble paws?—" Timberkit repeated what the old medicine cat had just told him.

He didn't understand "what does that mean?!" Timberkit asked the she-cat as the darkness started to light up "only time will tell young one... Only time will tell.." the medicine cat grinned before everything faded to a bright white.

Timberkit woke up panting, was it just a dream?.. Or was it really a vision? The kit wondered.

"Timberkit?, what are you doing awake?" a dark silhouette came into the kits view. It was his father, Sharpstar.

"just a nightmare." Timberkit purred. Sharpstar moved torwards him and licked him lovingly between his ears.

"okay, little one, go back to sleep now, it's moonhigh." Sharpstar nuzzled his son before walking back out the nursery.

Timberkit smiled and laid back down, he still wondered if it was real or not. He laid his head down on his paws and drifted back into a slumber.

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