{chapter 23} "A Warrior Has Been Lost, May They Rest In Starclan" (Random)

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The other patrols streamed in behind the terrified apprentice, CoyotePaw and her littermates rushed into the clearing at the yowl from their denmate.

SharpStar jumped from the base of the Highledge and padded forward "what?" he asked. WolfPaw was nudged to the side by his mentor.

RoyalScar walked forward, the limp body of LeapingPelt' scruff hanging between his jaws, he dropped her infront of SharpStar. "what happened?" the leader asked.

ThunderClan all padded forward, mews of grief sounding from each cat as they stared at their dead clanmate.

"We scented a shadowclan hunting patrol in our territory, they attacked us before we could react. LeapingPelt died saving her mother.." he glanced at GoldenSmoke. "it was BlazeClaw who killed her.."

CoyotePaw saw the angry and cold look in her leader's eyes as he held his head high and raised his voice "She died as a true warrior, she will be honored!" Yowls of agreement came from thunderclan "And may she be welcomed by Starclan"

"This has been the final line, we will prepare to launch an attack on the shadowclan camp!" SharpStar yowled "We will prepare to save thunderclan and avenge our fallen warriors who have suffered from shadowclan." Yowls of approval came from thunderclan.

"But.. We must train and prepare. SilentStone, I need the mentor's to go and train their apprentices, and send out hunting patrols. We must be fully fed before we attack." SharpStar ordered.

"yes, SharpStar. I'll get to it right away." SilentStone dipped his head "All cats who are not too injured gather around for hunting patrols."

"Mentor's, take your apprentices out to hunt and train." SharpStar called, cats started gathering around SilentStone while others started to head back to their dens.

Some cats—like GoldenSmoke — stayed and sat vigil besides LeapingPelt. Tonight, the clan would sit vigil for their fallen clanmate.

"apprentice's and mentors devide the tasks, some go hunting while others train. I want you to switch tasks eventually.

SilentStone mewed "OneClaw, lead lead a hunting patrol and take Aquawhisper and EmeraldFire." SilentStone ordered "MeadowSlate, lead a hunting patrol of apprentices, take MonarchPaw and SmokePaw." SilentStone mewed.

"LionFang take the other apprentices and train in the hollow." SilentStone ordered "SpiritWisper, lead another hunting patrol and take RagingHowl and.." he looked around for another fit warrior "Err, TigerLeap."

"RoyalScar, AspenNose, I want you to help train the apprentices." SilentStone mewed.

"Now, head out. We shall make sure the clan will be fed at dawn. I want you all to continue until your paws won't hold you up anymore, it's dusk and it'll get dark soon."

The patrols headed out of the thorn tunnel and got ready to feed their clan once they got back.

"We'll go to the old thunderpath." OneClaw meowed, "and we'll go to the Sky Oak." SpiritWisper mewed "okay, we'll stay around the training hollow." MeadowSlate decided.

"okay, if you need a rest you could stay in the training hollow until you are able to continue. Can we all agree to head back to the camp at dawn? And if you want to sit vigil we will all return at twilight? " MeadowSlate meowed.

"yes," LionFang agreed "Sure, SilentStone said that the clan would be fully fed at dawn." SpiritWisper agreed "Yes." OneClaw mewed.

"good, let's go." the patrols went their own ways.

LionFang, RoyalScar and AspenNose led the apprentices to the training hollow.

The usual sandy ground was covered in a layer of thick snow, the large, fallen tree layed in the large hollow. The top of the trunk was covered in frost and snow.

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