{chapter 18} How Did I See That? (Warrior Apprentice Trio)

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SmokePaw woke up, she looked at the three squirming apprentices. She sighed, she turned to the entrance and saw that it was dawn.

With a yawn she got up. Suddenly the three squirming apprentices shot awake and jolted to their paws.

"you three okay?" SmokePaw asked, MetalPaws head lifted up from his paws and looked at the three apprentices for a second before looking outside.

With a sigh he lifted himself onto his paws, he stretched his muscles and walked out of the den.

CoyotePaw and her two brothers were panting, was that really a lion? The three apprentices thought.

"yeah, I'm fine." CoyotePaw answered first, SagePaw nodded at her, MonarchPaw licked a scrap of moss from from his leg "I'm fine." SmokePaw nodded, eyeing them suspiciously before walking out.

Only the three apprentices were left in the den, CoyotePaw turned to her brothers and said "am I crazy, or did I see a real lion in my dreams just now?" She asked her brothers as if they had a answer for her dream.

Their answers shocked her "I saw it too!" SagePaw said, his eyes widening "same here!" MonarchPaw answered.

"that's weird.. Maybe if we three had this dream, maybe TimberPaw did too?" MonarchPaw thought "I mean, he is a medicine apprentice. So maybe even if he didn't, he can maybe tell us what that was." CoyotePaw licked a scrap of moss from her shoulder.

"yeah, maybe we should go and ask him. But first we need to hunt for the elders and such." SagePaw quickly said, remembering their duties as apprentices.

His two siblings nodded, they walked out of the den and saw the other four apprentices talking to eachother.

CoyotePaw padded ahead of her two brothers and joined the four "who will change the elders nests? And who will hunt?" CoyotePaw instantly asked.

DawnPaw turned to her "me and WolfPaw will be going out to hunt with MetalPaw for the elders, SmokePaws going to refresh the moss nests." She said.

"okay, SagePaw go and help SmokePaw. MonarchPaw let's ask our mentors if we have training." CoyotePaw knew exactly what she was doing.

SagePaws eyes flicked to the older she-cat, with a small—rather shy—smile he sat down next to her.

"okay, let's get going" SmokePaw said, both apprentices padded off to the elders den while the two youngest—and one of the oldest—apprentices walked into the thorn tunnel after saying goodbye to the two remaining apprentices.

"that was smart." MonarchPaw simply said as he watched SmokePaw and SagePaws figures scrapping the old moss into a ball.

With a smirk CoyotePaw said "I know." she said. "You two," RoyalScars voice called out to them, sounding rather irritated.

The two apprentices turned to the warrior, a disapproving look in his eyes as he said "what are you two doing moping around camp? Go do something useful!" he scowled.

MonarchPaw lowered his head in embarrassment while CoyotePaw looked straight into the warriors eyes, not seeming embarrassed nor guilty "we were going to aks our mentors if we had training." she simply said.

She nudged MonarchPaw away from the warrior, they both walked to SilentStone who was talking urgently with SharpStar, MeadowSlate and GoldenSmoke—who had returned to her duties.

"yes?" SilentStone asked as they approached "do we have training today?" MonarchPaw asked, SilentStone shook his head "no, you can go and hunt. There might be a blizzard coming soon, we need all the fresh-kill we can get." SilentStone said, he turned to SharpStar "we need to make a extra pile before the blizzard hits." he told SharpStar.

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