{chapter 7} Friends Or Foes? (Silentstone)

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Silentstone guided Meadowslate, Spiritwisper and Goldensmoke through the undergrowth, heading for the WindClan border.
They were on dawn border patrol duty, Silentstone was leading them.

They reached the border and slowed their pace, it was quiet. Silentstone smelled the fresh scent of WindClan, their border patrol was here, patrolling as wel.

Silentstone picked up the pace a bit, he still had a apprentice to train now that she was healed.

"there's the WindClan patrol!" Spiritwisper announced, spotting the border patrol of windclan. The patrol turned around as Silentstone slowed his pace.

"Silentstone." a black tabby she mewed a greeting at the approaching patrol.

He flicked his tail in greeting "How's prey running in Windclan? " Silentstone questioned, the black tabby looked at him with a suspicious gaze "good, thank you. Although I hope you don't plan on stealing from us." the tabby answered.

"good to hear. And no, ThunderClan will not be stealing any prey from your territory." Silentstone caught the gazes of the WindClan cats "Have we ever done that?" Silentstone glared.

"No, no you have not. Well we must continue now." the tabby flicked her tail for her patrol to continue with her.

"let's continue" Silentstone meowed, he picked up the pace again and went along the border.

They finished in a matter of moments, not long after, they ran through the undergrowth, they scented ShadowClan!

It was stale, it would've been around moonhigh that they went through here, and by the blood spattered around here the night patrol fought them.

They reached the Thorn tunnel after checking out the stale stench of ShadowClan. Silentstone walked through it with a sigh.

He would have to cancel training, why? His back leg was acting up again, he got injured at the moonhigh battle from just a few days ago.

He saw Coyotepaw look his way, he shook his head, she understood and went into the den she shared with two of her littermates.

"Silentstone." Sharpstars meow snapped him out of his thoughts, he turned towards him and padded up Highledge. They both sat there, watching over the clearing of cats.

"did you find any new trace of ShadowClan?" Sharpstar asked, not tearing his gaze away from the cats in the clearing.

"no, only the stale scent from the night patrol fighting them last night." Silentstone answered, Sharpstar sighed and looked at him.

"ShadowClan is targeting us, and we don't know why." Sharpstars usual cheerful eyes were clouded with worry, "I know, and I'll find out why." Silentstone couldn't bare seeing his leader— more importantly, older brother, like that.

"I know, Silentstone, for now rest, you'll need it for tomorrows training." Sharpstar licked him on the cheek before scrambling down the highledge and padding towards the medicine den.

Silentstone sighed, he couldn't take seeing his leader worry like that, he will find out why ShadowClan is doing, even if it costs him his life.

He got off of Highledge and towards the warriors den, he walked through the entrance and straight to his moss bedding in the center of the den.

He layed down with a huff and curled himself into a big ball of fur, he closed his eyes.

While trying to sleep, the nagging fear of ShadowClan warriors coming into ThunderClan territory kept him up.

He got up and walked out of the den, he stretched and walked towards Meadowslate and Lionfang, who were sharing tongues next to the den.

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