{chapter 17} A Lions Roar (TimberPaw)

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The bracken colored apprentice watched as the lion got on his hindpaws, his body raising into the air. A roar, so dangerous, so terrifying it could shake the forest of its animals. The tom closed his eyes, his ears picking up faint words, becoming louder and louder each time they were said.

"TimberPaw! TimberPaw wake up!"

With a jolt he woke up, he scrambled onto his paws, panting.

He looked around, SagePaw and the other two cats came to take a look at the commotion, he turned his head and saw RainWhiskers looking at him with a worried expression.

" wha—what?" he shook his head, this had to be a sign from starclan and the only thing he could connect it with was..

The prophecies..

"I'm fine, j-just a dream." he reassured the cats, RainWhiskers nodded, her brows ceased in worry. she walked out of their little sleeping quarters and left him to regain his breath and calm down.

The two prophecies.. TimberPaw thought, the words popped back into his head, he forgotten the prophecies a few days ago, now his subconsciousness was reminding him, along with starclan.

He sat there in silence as he said the words in his head, fire cannot defeat fire, many will fall under ragged claws, Strength against fire, many will rise under noble paws.

And what was the second one? Oh yeah. Lions against lion, younger against older, the battle will only and only can be won by noble, strength, knowledge and health.

Right. The apprentice thought, why did starclan give him two prophecies?

He shook his head, trying to clear his head. He decided for now he should do something else until his brain wasn't sleeping.

He stretched his legs and walked out his den, his tail flicked in curiosity. He really wanted to know more about his uncle, BlazeClaw.

"TimberPaw can you check how much moss we have left in the storage?" RainWhiskers voice call out so suddenly it scared him.

The fur on his spine stood on end when he suddenly heard her voice, soon his fur layed flat again.

"okay!" he called out and turned his body towards the herb storage.

He padded in and looked around, only a few pieces of moss were still laying on the self, he sighed and knew what time it was.

"there's barely any!" he called out to his mentor, she responded quickly "just as I thought," he heard her sigh "can you go and collect some more? take a warrior and apprentice with you!"

"okay!" he responded back, sure an apprentice could help carry more but both escorts was practically saying that RainWhiskers thought he couldn't fight.

Nonetheless, he walked out the medicine den and walked up to SilentStone, his uncle gave him a flick of his tail in greeting "what do you need?" he asked.

"moss is running low, RainWhiskers said to take a warrior and a apprentice with me. Which cats should I take?." he asked.

TimberPaw wasn't one to go and find one for himself, his uncle knew every warrior that would be available, same thing with apprentices. So if he don't know who to take, his uncle was there to choose.

"your sister is available," SilentStone said, looking around the camp for a warrior "and you can maybe take AquaWhisper, a good walk might be good for her stiff bones, maybe SagePaw aswel. But only if RainWhiskers is okay with it, if she's not then you can take SpiritWisper." SilentStone pointed his tail at the half blind warrior.

"okay, thank you. SilentStone." TimberPaw meowed before padding back to the medicine den and explaining to his mentor.

"that might do them good, go ahead and ask. And be back before Sundown!" RainWhiskers agreed and still warned him to be back before dusk.

As if he couldn't handle himself.

He rolled his eyes and and nodded, he padded towards the sick cats den and poked his head inside "SagePaw, AquaWhisper, RainWhiskers has allowed you to go with me and CoyotePaw to collect some moss." TimberPaw said as he watched SagePaws head snap towards them.

A smile plastered on his face as he jumped up in his moss nest, his wounds seemed to not be bothering him at that moment.

"yes! Yes, finally, I can stretch my legs!" SagePaw padded over to him, Aquawhisper appeared soon after "a good stretch will be good for my legs." she simply said.

"I just got to ask CoyotePaw, let's go." TimberPaw padded out with the two cats behind him, CoyotePaw was feasting on a mouse next to the apprentice den.

She layed on a stump of a tree as she ate, MonarchPaw was leaving the apprentice den, heading towards MeadowSlate. TimberPaw saw her say goodbye with a flick of her tail.

"CoyotePaw!" he called out, she looked up at the three cats. "me, SagePaw and AquaWhisper are going to get some new moss since we're running low. Would you like to join?" he asked, in a casual but polite tone.

"sure, let me finish this mouse." she smiled and quickly swallowed the remaining mouse.

"finished!" she said as she licked her whiskers clean "let's go!" she stood up from the stump and jumped off.

TimberPaw quickly followed with his brother and mother.

They went into the entrance tunnel and soon ended up at the slippery snow area, they padded towards the lake.

TimberPaw looked around, searching for moss, which he quickly found.

He walked over to a boulder and scraped some moss off of it "can you guys help me carry it?" he asked the other cats.

They all nodded and each grabbed a good amount, TimberPaw scented Windclan cats and turned his head towards the border.

It was only two warriors, they ignored the thunderClan cats and continued walked.

"weird.." he'd mumble, the moss making him unable to be heard, "cwom ow" Aquawhisper mumbled, her talking was barely understandable.

TimberPaw and his kin soon reached the entrance tunnel after running towards camp —because it was nearing dusk — and walked into the clearing.

They reached the medicine den, they were met by RainWhiskers at the entrance "good, your back." she simply said as she left the cats.

The four cats walked into the herb storage, with the four of them in there it was a little cramp.

The three cats each gave the moss to TimberPaw while he placed it onto the small amount of moss left.

"there, that should keep us stocked for a while." TimberPaw said to himself while the three other cats walked out.

But now, what did those prophecies mean? And what about that weird dream I had. TimberPaw didn't understand, should he tell RainWhiskers?

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