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The sun was slowly rising above the horizon as the cats trekked over the moor, the first light rays landed on the cats while they made their way back to their camps.

CoyotePaw walked beside TimberPaw and their littermates, SharpStar and SilentStone walked a few mouse-lengths ahead.

SharpStar looked at the rising sun, then turned to his brother "I didn't think the newest generation would drive out the evil." he mumbled, SilentStone nodded.

"but then again, StarClan chose them for a reason, as they say, each generation is stronger then the last." he responded.

"that's true." SharpStar sighed "BlazeClaw is right, we've won the battle, but who will win the war?" he questioned "he won't stop until he's dead." SilentStone looked at his older brother with narrowed eyes.

"Strength, Noble, Health and Knowledge will defeat him." he told his brother "that's something each new generation will need to defeat evil." he sighed.

The cat finally reached their territory, the kits were being carried by their parents and other cats that volunteerd, NightPaw was being carried by RunningPelt and RainWhiskers while they trekked along their clan mates.

Soon they reached their beloved camp and settled back into their home after a long, tiring but successful Battle.

After moonrise, one kit couldn't sleep and padded out of the nursery, he sat down in the clearing, looking up at the stars.

"whatcha doing up, FireKit?" the bracken-colored she-cat said as she sat next to him, he nuzzled against her.

"I couldn't sleep." he responded "neither could I." she said, she wrapped her tail around the young kit "is there something on your mind?" she asked.

FireKit sighed.

"If I had been a better brother, I might've noticed GrayKit being taken, and now he's injured.." the young kit pressed himself against the apprentice.

"no, FireKit, you are a good brother, your not the only one who thinks about when they got taken, take me for example." she licked the kit between his ears.

"I wanted to run around the lake, to go searching for them. Thinking it was my fault they went missing because I didn't pay enough attention." she murmured, FireKit looked at her.

"it hurted me to see my brother like that.." he mumbled, CoyotePaw purred "whenever my own brother's are in danger, or hurt, I feel the same. And it's natural, and it's not your fault your brother went missing, okay?" she asked, the kit nodded "okay..

CoyotePaw brought FireKit back to the nursery before sitting back down in the clearing, she knew something was wrong, but what was it?

BlazeClaw was defeated too easily, or was it because of how many cats were on top of him? CoyotePaw sighed, she couldn't figure it out, it was as if something was missing out of the story, not just the battle, but about something else aswel.


She and her brothers were the new generation, but did that mean the generation of cats with ability's?

If BlazeClaw had an ability, then SilentStone and SharpStar had one aswel! but what abilities do they have?...

The young apprentice sighed and returned to her den, yet what she didn't know was the two brothers that were watching her from the shadows.

SharpStar turned to his little brother "do you think they are ready to train their abilities?" he asked, SilentStone nodded "CoyotePaw already unlocked one.. During the battle, it's time for the new generation of abilities to be trained." he responded, staring up at the sky as he heard his sister's voice.

Train them good, for they are the clans future..


SharpStar sat on Highledge with SilentStone and Aquawhisper, they shared a rabbit "I think it's best if we keep training them for a few moons longer." Aquawhisper mewed "they are still young, and they have much to learn." she motioned to her kits.

"yes, and we must train the new generation good, if BlazeClaw keeps his word and comes back, we will need all the strength we can get." SharpStar agreed, SilentStone nodded and swallowed the rabbit "if we have them, we won't have to worry, after all. They are Starclan's chosen cats."

The First few stars already glittered in the darkening sky, all three of them looked up to see a falling star shimmering above them.

A New Generation {BOOK 1} {COMPLETED} Where stories live. Discover now