{chapter 14} Training Fright (TimberPaw, SagePaw, CoyotePaw, MonarchPaw)

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TimberPaw stared in horror at the two cats fighting, the hazel eyed apprentice was bleeding badly. RoyalScar had a few wounds, minor ones, unlike HazelPaw.

SharpStar glanced with a worry look at his son, he leaned down to his ear "I don't want this either, go get me RainWhiskers." he whispered.

TimberPaw nodded and slipped away and got RainWhiskers. They sat back down next to SharpStar. "you can break up the fight, your a medicine cat, they'll have to stop. If I do it they'll think I'm defending them because they're medicine Cats, and maybe even lose trust in me." SharpStar whispered.

"I can, and it's needed." RainWhiskers seemed to be rethinking something before leaping into action. The blue-white she-cat jumped between the two cats, with her voice raised as she spoke "enough!" both cats stopped and turned to look at the medicine cat.

TimberPaw looked at the scene with worry, "this battle was over before it had begun, if we send those two medicine Cats into the forest, injured and weak. We would be just as evil as some of our past ancestors!"

The white-blue-gray she-cats voice was stern and strict, the fight was over and it was clear that they'd be staying in thunderclan. To TimberPaws dismay, RoyalScar and CoyotePaw didn't agree.

"but!—" CoyotePaw tried to talk before TimberPaw interrupted "if we let the fight continue HazelPaw will die, there was almost no chance he could win. He's a medicine cat apprentice and not a warrior apprentice, he's trained to heal, not to fight." TimberPaw spoke loud and clear for the rest of the cats.

CoyotePaw stayed silent but her face betrayed her, she still didn't think it was fair. She moved away from the crowd and into her own den, followed by a worried SagePaw.

"TimberPaw!" his father called him, he turned around and walked towards SharpStar. "you'll be keeping a watch on them with RainWhiskers, they will stay in your den." he explained.


The six apprentices walked behind the deputy while they headed to the sandy hollow. SilentStone had been given orders from SharpStar to train the apprentices, SharpStar knew, just like SilentStone, that a battle would be coming sooner or later.

"we will need to do three tasks, one, provide food for our clan," SilentStone raised his head, his voice was loud enough for them to hear.

"why exactly are we doing this? We should be in camp guarding the new prisoners!" MetalPaw whispered, his voice still loud enough for the others to hear "I don't know, because there's a threat from shadowclan! Oh and the piece of grassland is being targeted by ShadowClan, again!" SmokePaw hissed, noticing the disturbed eyes of their deputy glancing her brothers way.

MetalPaw, scared of his sister, lowered his head and followed without another word.

CoyotePaw rolled her eyes, mouse-brain. TimberPaw looked at the two, SmokePaw had a point. But so did MetalPaw, they or rather he should be watching HazelPaw And RunningPelt.

"two, we will sharpen our fighting techniques, we have improved and renewed them for our own strength and speed. And very new ones have been created. But to use these we must master the basic manouvers first." he said as the beloved training hollow came in sight he continued.

"three, at sunhigh we will return and go to the upcoming apprentice ceremony that will be held. After that we return to our training after we have shared tongues with our clanmates and have eaten." they walked down the slope and everyone stopped as the deputy turned around to face them.

"TimberPaw, I will go with you and MetalPaw to search for herbs, RainWhiskers has told me some of the herbs are running out."

The medicine apprentice glanced at the horrified expression of MetalPaw, who very much disliked searching for herbs.

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