{chapter 20} Starclan's Prophecies (Apprentice Squad)

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CoyotePaw, SagePaw and MonarchPaw were talking about their shared dream.

"guys, should we ask TimberPaw?" MonarchPaw cleaned his fur "we should, even if he hasn't had that dream or a sign from starclan he can still help us." CoyotePaw responded.

"maybe... But how will we get him alone?" SagePaw asked "he's usually out searching for herbs or taking care of Sandstorm." SagePaw sighed.

"yes, but... What if we tell SharpStar?" CoyotePaw suggested "he can help us, and he still needs to talk to Sandstorm right?" CoyotePaw meowed.

"we don't have to tell him about the dream, we can just remind him of Sandstorm." CoyotePaw said.

"your right," MonarchPaw stood up "but," he started "we should do it tomorrow." he said. CoyotePaw gave him a confused look "why?" she asked.

"because he's learning about how to interpret Starclan's signs." he answered "it would be more useful for him to know that before we start telling him."

"true, but I feel bad for TimberPaw." CoyotePaw glanced at the medicine den "we used to do everything together." she mewed.

"yes, and we still do, but we need to go on the Moonhigh patrol." MonarchPaw looked at the apprentice den "and we need all the rest we can get and meanwhile TimberPaw can learn more."

CoyotePaw nodded, she got up and stretched her stiff limbs.

"yes, your right." she mewed "but it's dawn and I don't know about you two but I'm going training with DawnPaw." she yawned.

"I best get to SilentStone before he gives me an earful at being late." she flicked her tail in goodbye and padded towards the base of the rock.

"right then, RoyalScar lead the hunting patrol and take your apprentice and OneClaw with you." SilentStone was giving out the patrols.

"I'll lead the border patrol, I'll take CoyotePaw, DawnPaw and AspenNose." SilentStone flicked his tail in hello at CoyotePaw.

"GoldenSmoke, lead another hunting patrol. Take WolfPaw, SmokePaw and TigerLeap with you." SilentStone ordered.

The two patrols set off, "okay." DawnPaw and AspenNose padded towards them "today, we will be patrol the borders." AspenNose told DawnPaw.

"last time it didn't end so well, so we are going to do it again," AspenNose looked at her excited apprentice "and hopefully without interference." SilentStone added.

"if they set a paw in our territory I'll claw their ears off!" CoyotePaw sprang onto her paws.

"good, I wouldn't expect anything less from you." SilentStone smiled, "let's get going," AspenNose mewed and let SilentStone take the lead.

CoyotePaw fell into step with DawnPaw, they followed their mentors out of the camp.

"I'll show you the best places to hunt!" CoyotePaw excitedly told her, she spotted gleam of excitement and happiness in her denmates eyes.

SilentStone stopped and turned his head "hurry up!" he meowed before turning back and fell into step with AspenNose.

CoyotePaw and DawnPaw quickly padded forward and fell into step with their mentors.

"first, we will go to the lake ." SilentStone meowed "DawnPaw, can you tell us which borders we have at the lake?" AspenNose asked.

"ShadowClan and Windclan, although it's a bit further away from the Lake!" she responded enthusiastically, "that's right." AspenNose purred. SilentStone picked up the speed, CoyotePaw followed him.

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