{chapter 25} The Sister (thunderClan)

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SilentStone watched as ShadowClan left, surprisingly excitement showed in their eyes as they rushed out.

Only one cat remained in the clearing, no not the dead body of SilverHeart, but an apprentice. SilentStone walked towards her, he noticed that one of her frontlegs were weirdly shaped.

"If I'm right, you should be called NightPaw?" SilentStone mewed, the apprentice looked up, she slowly nodded her head. "I'm guessing your HazelPaw's sister?" he asked.

The she-cat nodded again, "well, I'll go and get someone to look at your leg." SilentStone looked around and locked eyes with RunningPelt. He beckoned him over with a flick of his tail.

"her leg looks weird." he told the medicine cat, "yes," RunningPelt agreed and looked at the apprentice, a small smile formed on his face "hello NightPaw, it's good to see you again."

"Yes, it is. After you left with my brother I had been the only one who knew about herbs so I was used as a medicine cat while I still had to train and hunt." NightPaw mewed.

"Yes, well. You'll see HazelPaw around, but first let's get your leg fixed." RunningPelt started to feel around her leg.

SilentStone thought it was best to leave those two alone and look for anyone else that needed his help.

He spotted TimberPaw being helped to sit up by CoyotePaw, while SagePaw was helping MonarchPaw to help stand on his paws, the poor apprentice had been given some serious wounds during battle.

He scanned around the clearing and saw that the elders were limping back to their own den, they had been brought to the nursery when the battle first started.

SilentStone walked over to the nursery and poked his head inside, he saw that only Sandstorm had a injury- a scratch on her leg- and that the kits were safe.

He left the nursery and scanned around the clearing, he spotted RoyalScar helping GoldenSmoke onto her paws, WolfPaw was licking a wound that his sister couldn't reach by herself, SmokePaw had joined SagePaw and his littermates while she licked her wounds clean.

MetalPaw was sitting on the tree stump next to his den and was licking his wounds, meanwhile staring NightPaw down while RunningPelt worked on her.

He spotted SharpStar checking if the elders were okay, a bundle of herbs in his jaws while he checked cats, RainWhiskers was chewing up herbs for the elders while she left SharpStar to help the others.

HazelPaw was helping his sister while his mentor instructed him what to do and what herbs to grab.

SilentStone sat down near HighLedge and started licking a wound on his leg, the scent of blood and death hung thickly in the air.

"Why did they attack? And with so little warriors at that?" he heard one of the elders say "Maybe, OldFire. They were planning to attack each clan with one patrol. Maybe they thought we would have trouble hunting and doing patrols." his brother's voice rang out into the clearing.

"Well, we definitely showed them." OldFire mewed and walked back to his den. He heard paws coming towards him, he lifted his head, SharpStar was holding herbs in his mouth.

"No, treat your kits first. I'll be fine." SilentStone nudged him towards CoyotePaw and her littermates. "there's no need, if your talking about TimberPaw and MonarchPaw. They've been moved to the medicine den already, and CoyotePaw and SagePaw are licking their wounds already. And RainWhiskers told me to check on you," SharpStar rambled, clearly trying to convince his younger brother.

"Fine, but you better go see your kits afterwards." SilentStone murmured. SharpStar started to chew up some of the dock leaves and spat the pulp onto his paw.

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