{chapter 24} The Battle In ThunderClan Camp (thunderClan)

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CoyotePaw woke up from the warning yowl of GoldenSmoke, she rushed outside with her denmate's right behind her.

Warrior's started to file out the warrior's den. Shadowclan cats started to fill the clearing.

A large, fully fed warrior stepped forward "Attack!" the warriors yowled and launched at SilentStone, the large warrior dodged and gave him a blow to his shoulder.

BloodPaw had leaped at SilentStone while he was focused on the large warrior, in a hurl of fury, CoyotePaw ran and grabbed the scrawny apprentice's tail between her teeth.

The young, reddish cat fell with a thump on the ground. With a snarl the apprentice turned around and batted CoyotePaw in the chest with a hindleg.

CoyotePaw ignored the stinging and grasped the tail harder, she held her head high and started to swing her head from side to side.

The apprentice was light from the lack of food, and CoyotePaw seemed to have grown alot since she last battled him.

BloodPaw screeched as his hindquarters lifted from the ground, his hindquarters started to shake, swinging from side to side while his forepaws tried to get a grip on the powdery ground.

CoyotePaw dodged the hindpaws of the apprentice as she kept shaking his tail. Taking in a deep breath, she got ready to fling him to the side.

In one heavy movement, she flung him to the side and let go of his tail as he skidded over the floor a fox-length away from her.

She jumped out of the way as SagePaw and a black apprentice she didn't know, came battering at eachother, SagePaw jumped at the shadowclan apprentice and in a heap of fur and claws they rolled around CoyotePaw.

With a hiss, she leaped at the black apprentice and dragged her off of her littermate by her tail, her hazel eyes met CoyotePaw's emerald ones as she turned around to face her second attacker.

CoyotePaw froze as though she recognized the black apprentice that came to thunderclan for help, yet this was a she-cat.

"Leave ThunderClan!" she yowled as gave the black furred apprentice a blow to the shoulder, the she-cat hissed in response and grabbed her painfully by the scruff and flung her onto the ground.

She felt blood trickle down the side of her neck, the black she-cat had torn the flesh from her scruff and now blood was soaking her fur.

Before the black she-cat could run her claws down the bracken-colored she-cats belly, SagePaw intercepted and jumped onto the she-cats back.

CoyotePaw scrambled back onto her paws, she heard a screech that came from BloodPaw. The reddish apprentice was getting ready to jump at her littermate, "I'll save your useless mange-ridden pelt NightPaw!" CoyotePaw growled at BloodPaw's disrespect to his denmate.

With an ear-piercing yowl, she hurled herself at the apprentice and pinned him down, she dug her claws onto his back and raked her claws down his back.

A heavy weight bouldered into her and she lost balance, she landed on her side. She saw the fully fed warrior towering over her, blood seeped through his fur at the wounds he gained.

CoyotePaw couldn't move as a paw pressed down on her back, air was knocked out of her lungs. Her muzzle was firmly pressed onto the ground by another paw. She struggled to breath while she battered with her hindpaws.

"No!" She heard her mentor's familiar voice, out of the corner of her eye, she saw him hurling himself at the well-fed warrior. With a screech, the warrior was unbalanced.

CoyotePaw scrambled onto her paws, her sides heaving as she gasped for air, "Go and see if your littermates are okay!" SilentStone yelled as he pinned down the warrior.

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