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I saw Alana walk off with some weird guy. I've seen him around before. He's in some of my classes and he's a freak! But not as much of a freak as Alana. She can't have friends. This can't happen.


After Tony dropped me off, I walked up to my room noticing the house is empty. I go downstairs to the kitchen and see a note on the fridge.

"Alana, your father and I went out for a dinner with our co workers. Sorry we didn't tell you sooner."

No 'I love you.' or 'Sorry' ? Typical mom and dad. Well it is pretty late. It's almost 10 and I'm pretty tired. I walk back up stairs and change. I quickly fall asleep and dream.


"Wait up!" Luke yelled from behind. "Yeah! Wait for us!" Michael yelled. I look behind and I am being chased by Calum, Michael, Ashton, and Luke. The only difference here is, that we're happy. I am playfully tackled to the ground and then something changed. Andy came out of the corner of my eye and they all started to beat me up. I cried and begged for them to stop but it kept getting worse. They finally stopped and left me. I cried and curled up into a ball.

"Ms. Rodrigues, would you care to explain?" My head shot up. Today is Monday. I barely remember the weekend. I slept in Algebra. What is going on? "I'm sorry, I don't know." I replied ashamed. In the back I hear Calum laugh. "Dumbass." he whispered. I held back the tears and waited for the bell to ring. Once it rang, I quickly left. The rest of tge day was filled with hurtful words and my 'daily beating' which they call it. Tony couldn't come to school today because he is sick. This made me sad, but I understood.

I walked inside my house and started working on homework. Halfway through it, I remembered last week when Michael gave me some paper when he talked to me. I took it out and read it.


I know you probably hate me, but I want to let you know I'm not all bad. I do not like you, but I don't want you dead. I took you to the hospital because I overheard you talking about yourself harshly. Don't try to kill yourself please. But just because I saved you, doesn't mean we are friends. I'll help you, but we are not friends. I'll help you secretly.

He gave me his number at the end of the paper. Should I keep it? Through it out? Why did he save me? Why does he care? I want answers.


Thanks for reading guys! Love y'all!

P.S. Sorry this was short. And updates may be slow for a few weeks because of finals and I have a cousin getting married next weekend(5/22/15). Updates will be slow, but afterwards, should be back on schedule and maybe even faster. Thanks for reading and stay beautiful!

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