The Eyes of Ashton

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The bell rings signaling that it is time for lunch. I wait for Calum so we can get our food. When we get our food, we exit the cafeteria and head toward a tree. We sit under the tree and eat. I don't want to pressure Calum to talk about what happened yesterday, but I want to know. I need to know. I build up the courage and ask, "So Calum, what did you want to talk about?" He stays quiet for a second then begins to cry. And let me be the one to tell you, it is heart breaking to watch him cry. I hug him and comfort him. It must really be this bad to make him want to cry.

"They think we hooked up Alana. Adrian and Andy told everyone that we hooked up. He said you hooked up with, not only me, but the other boys too. I'm crying not only because everyone thinks I am "desparate" or because I "slept" with someone who people think is weird, but because this all hurts you the most. Your image that never was given a chance. I'm so sorry Alana." Calum's words brought shock. He cares. This hurts him too. "We have each other. Who cares what they think? It's not the truth and we know it. We're juniors and soon all of this will be over." I tell him. Calum just nods and doesn't finnish his meal. "I truly am sorry for everything we've did to you. I still can barely live with myself everyday because this kills me. Now that all of this is happening, it hurts me, because it hurts you." He hugs me tight and I hug back. He really is one of the sweetest guys ever. We sit there just hugging and talking about the beautiful sky and how much we love sunny days until the bell rings. "Looks like we have to go. Want me to walk you home today?" He asks. Usually this would be fine, but I have to see Adrian. "No it's fine. I have to stop by the store and buy things for Michael and I today. We need water and stuff." I tell him. He looks at me in confusion then nods. He picks up his tray then thrws it in the trash and walks to his next class.

As I walk down the hall, Ashton walks up to me. "Hey. I just want to talk to you and tell you I am sorry. This is not the full appology so don't worry." He says and chuckles at the end. "Meet me behind the school after the final bell. I promise nothing will happen, I want to appologize to you about everything I did." As Ashton tells me this, I began to worry. He wants to meet after school where Adrian wants to beat me up. Calum told me the boys except Andy and Adrian were done and I believe him. I just can't have anyone see what is going on. "How about the side of the school. 15 minutes after school?" I suggested. He smiled and said, "wherever you feel comfortable love." Then he walked off. Hopefully Adrian's "fun" wont last that long.


Today I decided not to go to school. I just can't handle today. I wondrr if Michael is at school or not. Probably isn't. I text Michael and ask him to come over. We could play FIFA and order pizza or something.


The final bell rings. Well, now I must face death in the face once again. I walk to the back of the school and waited. It wasn't long before someone's hands covered my mouth and two others held my arms apart. Adrian and Andy soon appear in front of me. "Well, well, if it isn't the slut of our school. Today is going to be extra fun. Extra fun for us that is." Adrian says then he punches me in the stomach. I let out a groan which was covered due to the hand covering my mouth. Before ai know it, Andy and Adrian are both punching me in the face, arms, stomach and kick me in the lower area. Not only does it hurt guys,it hurts girls too, esspecially if it is a hard kick. The people holding me drop me on the ground and they all kick me around. About 5 minutes later, they are all gone. I struggle to get up. I need to clean myself up. Ashton still wants to talk to me.

When I fully stand up, I tip over and almost hit my head on the concrete. Before I fall, a pair of arms are wrapped around my waist. I turn around to be met with the eyes of Ashton.


I hope you liked the chapter! This one is a bit longer than the last one. Hope you guys have a great night! (It's 10:30 where I'm at so yeah)

Picture: Ashton is perfect in this picture. I may or may not write an Ashton love story after this. Just so you know.

Love y'all!

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