Wrong Place at the Wrong Time

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I woke up with the smell of bacon and eggs. I changed and walked downstairs. There was no one there. There was a plate on the table with eggs and bacon and a note.

Dear Alana,

Thank you for letting me stay the night and cooking for me. I had to go so I decided to cook for you. Thank you so much for everything. Maybe we can start over. Meet me by the corner store at 12 and we can go out for lunch. I'll pay. I wanna make it up to you. I'm really and truly sorry. Hopefully you can give me a chance.

Again thank you for everything. I hope you can come.


I read the letter over and over again. Should I go? It's a public place and he made me breakfast. He even wrote a letter of appology. I think I should go. I mean, what do I have to loose anyway? It's 10 now, I shoud go shower. I finnish my breakfast and clean the dishes. I then go hop in the shower.


Luke, Calum, Andy, Adrian and I were chilling by the corner store eating pizza and drinking Mountain Dew until I saw someone from the corner of my eye. It was Alana. "Hey guys, look who decided to show her face around town." I tell the boys. "This is gonna be fun!" Calum said. To be honest, I really don't like her. If she obsessed over Andy, then she's crazy. She probably knew he was here and decided to go hunt him down. She's crazy. We all walk out of the store and walk up to her. "Why the hell are you here? You shouldn't show your face around here." Adrian said. "Someone told me to meet them here. I'm waiting for that person." She replied. Whatever. "Get out or we will make you!" Luke warned. She looked down for a minute, then replied harshly,"no!" Adrian, Calum and I walked over to her and started hitting and punching her. She was laying on the ground curled up and we kept going. Then me and Calum picked her up while Luke, Andy and Adrian punched and kicked her stomach and face. Then Andy punched her multiple times in the face. When they finnished, we dropped her. "Next time do what we tell you and don't show your face here again!" Andy yelled. He spat on her then we all walked away. "We gotta clean our hands." Calum imputed.


Michael set me up. I'm sure. This was all part of his plan! He lied to me. I should've known better than to trust him. I can't get up. I can't speak. What's going on. Tgis hurts so much! The pain is excrutionating! Why? Why did I fall into another trap? I guess sometimes, you never learn. I guess I'll just wait until someone comes by.


Alana and I haven't talked since our date. I guess she doesn't like me. I trusted her. I thought she was different, I guess not. Maybe she doesn't need help.


I walked to the corner store. 5 minutes till 12. Hopefully she'll come by. I want to talk to her. She never texted me after we talked, but I understand. She was very kind to invite me into her home and feed me after all i did to her. Maybe she's not that obssesed freak Andy and Adrian are telling me. I order some puzza because I am starving!

It's now 12:20. I guess she isn't coming, or she's still asleep. I finnish and walk over to her house. "Alana? Alana it's me. Michael. I didn't see you at the corner store. If you are asleep, I'm sorry for picking a wrong time for this meet up. I'm not mad or anything. Just text or call me so we can figure out another time for us to talk and hang out." I said as I knocked on her door. She didn't answer. I decided to climb up the house to her window. I looked in her window and didn't find anyone. Where is she?

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