I Messed Up

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I don't know what happened. I just lost it. I still go to school and the rumors are still going around and it makes me so upset that I start drinking. I drink to the point where I hurt Alana. I'm such a screw up. I love her. I really do, but I don't show it. I just want the rumors to stop, but me hotting Alana won't solve anything. I can't quit the alcohol because I'm also in love with it. I've always been drinking. My drinking stopped in the beginning of the year until recently.

I woke up on the couch with bottles over the house. There's blood on the wall near me and then I remember. I beat Alana so bad to the point where her head was bleeding and her nose was bleeding. She needs to stay away from me. Then I remembered, I kicked her out of the house. She won't be coming back.

I need to talk to someone. I need to talk to Ashton. I tet my phone and dial Ashton's nimber. After a few rings, he picks up. "Hey Luke! What's up?" I stayed quite for a second and began to cry, "Ashton, I fucked up. I beat her so badly last night and kicked her out. I don't know where she is." He gasped and said,"YOU WHAT?! LUKE HOW COULD YOU BEAT HER?! AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'THIS TIME'? THERE WAS MORE THAN ONCE!? I'm going to look for her. Just stay at your house. I will find her and you stay. I will come by your house to talk to you after I gind Alana."

With that, he hung up and I sat down in the corner of the room with my knees brought to my chest. Why do I always do this? I'm a monster and everyone knows this.


I can't believe Luke has been hurting Alana and he just kicked her out. I need to find her. I need to get Michael to help me. He is going to be so pissed when he finds out.

I walk to Michael's motel room and knock on the door. He opens it up and I tell him everything. He tells me to be quite because Alana is acctually there. I have a sigh of relief and he tells me everything that has happened last night.

"She is going to tell me what exactly happened last night so you need to go. She's safe and I will take good care of her I promise." Michael says. I nod and head to Luke's. I still need to talk to him, but I can't tell him where Alana is.

I arrive at Luke's and knock on his door. He oppens it up and I punch him in the stomach. He deserves it anyway. There will be more where that comes from because Michael knows.

"I deserved that." Luke says. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO HER?! SHE'S SO INNOCENT LUKE! You broke her even more when she started to get better. How could you?" I break at him. I can't hold this in. She's my best friend and I have to protect her from any damger and right now, Luke is that danger.

He looks taken back a little and he speaks."I-I just had a lot to drink last night. More than usual. I came inside and started yelling at her and then hitting her. It's been like this for a few months. I thought you guys knew because she slways talks to you guys, and-" I cut him of and yelled at him."She never told ys about this stuff because she loves you so much that she would cover this up!"

He flinched and he continued. "Since she always talked to you guys, I thiught she was always cheating." I shooknmy head and bit my tounge so I wouldn't say anything. "And at school, the rumors never stop and it pisses me off and that's why I drink. Last night, it got so bad, she almost passed out and I told her to leave and never come back." He said now crying. I can't have sympathy for him. He chose to drink. If he knows bad things come from hi. Drinkinh, why does he still do it? "Luke, you need to stay away from her. I found her and I'm not telling you where she is. I am telling Calum, and me and him will take her stuff to her. We will take her stuff today so you know. You know, this is so similar to what happened to Jasmine, except you never stopped. Luke, you need help. I am going to help you look for professional help. It's what's best for Alana, you and everyone. We're still friends, but you need help." I say trying not to hit him.

"I'm not going to hit you any further because Michael knows what happened, and I can't control what he will do." I say and leave.

It's 9:45 so Calum should be up soon. He needs to know and help me get her things.


I wake up and Michael is there looking down at me with a smile on his face. "Thank you so much for letting me stay over last night." I said. He just hugged me and told me that i could stay for as long as I needed to. "I guess I should tell you everything that happened." I said softly.

Michael lays down next to me and cuddles next to me. "You don't have to if it's too hard okay?" He tells me as he pushes my hair out of my face.


"I can't believe he did that to you! I'm so going to kick his ass! Alana I am here for you and I won't treat you bad. You will stay here with me. You have stayed here before so you know how everything works and I need you back" Michael tells me and he hugs me and strokes my head while I cry into his chest. He is the best at this."Do you want to go get breakfast? It's on me okay?" He tells me and I nod.

He goes to get dressed and we walk out of the motel room.


"He did that?!" I said. I am so shocked that Luke would do that. I know he did it to other girls, but I just can't believe it had to happen to Alana.

"We need to go get her stuff from Luke's and take it to Michael's. She is staying with Michael. He will protect her, I know that." Ashton said. "Of course I'll belp you. Do we also need to beat the hell out of Luke?" I asked. I really want to thiugh. "No we don't. Michael can do that if he chooses." Ashton says.

He pulls out his phone and texts Michael to see whwn they will get back to their motel so we can drop off Alana's stuff. "We need to drop Alana's stuff at like 4. We have band practice today too. God Michael is going to be so pissed at Luke. Remember that practice is at 5 to 7." Ashton tells me. I nod and get dressed to get Alana's stuff. We can fit it in Ashton's car I believe. We just need boxes. I believe I have quit w a lot of boxes that we can use.

We load up Ashton's car with boxes and head to Luke's.

When we walk into Luke's house. I don't look at him because I could possibly hurt him. Ashton and I pack up all of Alana's stuff and load them into the car. Now it's 2:30 I hope they're at the motel.


Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading! I hope you guys like this chapter and everything. I'm sorry if it's terrible or stupid. Comment if there is anything that you think would make this better.

Love y'all!

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