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I waited by the side of the school for Alana. I got there a little bit earlier in case she came earlier. I'm so nervous. I hope she can forgive me. I feel so bad for everything we put her through.

It's been 20 minutes after school and Alana still isn't here. Where is she? I walked around to the back of the school and saw Adrian, Andy and their friends kicking Alana. Poor girl! I wanted to shout but I don't want to make this worse. Thankfully they leave and I stay behind the corner. I get a glimpse of her face and almost cry. Bruises and cuts are on her cheeks. Her hair is a mess and she struggles to get up. I slowly walk towards her to not scare her. She is just about to fall and I quickly react by wraping my arms around her.

She turns and faces me. She is speachless. She has the most beautiful brown eyes. They are dark like Calum's, but when the sun hits her face, they are a lighter shade of brown. Her eyes are sparkling, but now they are filled with fear and releif. How can that be? Fear of Adrian and Andy, relief from me saving her head from hitting the solid concrete ground.

"Let me take you to a hospital or something?"I offer. She shakes her head and says, "no. It's ok. Xan you just take me home? Do you have a car? If not then don't worry about it. Wait is this ok with you?" I pick her up bridal style and take her to my car. I buckle her up and start the engine.

"Just give me directions. And if it's ok, can we talk inside your home? I still want to appologize." I say. She nodds, but looks nervous. She gives me dirrections, but they lead to a motel. Why are we here? "This is my home at the moment. Please don't judge. It's a long story." She says with her head down. I pick up her chin and say, "I'm not judging. If you want you can tell me the story, you don't have to though." She just nodds and we head out into her motel room. Why is Michael's stuff here? Oh yeah, they live together.

Alana just sits on a little couch and I begin.


"You can leave early today Mr. Clifford. Someone else can take your later shift. "Thanks Mr. Thompson." I say to my boss. I head out of the shop and begin walking to Chick-fil-A. I order fome food for Alana and I and begin walking home.

As I walked up to the room I heard laughing. Who's in here? I open the door and find Ashton and Alana sitting together. Alana's face is beaten. "What the hell did you do to her!?" I yell at Ashton. Alana just walks up to me and says, "Michael, baby,it's ok. He didn't do this. It was Adrian and Andy. Ashton saved me from almost hitting the floor after they left. He took me home and he appologized. Then we just talked about you guys and how you want to start a band."

I believe her, but I don't want Ashton here with her. I want Alana. This is my girl.


Baby. She called Michael baby. Are they together? What if some of those rumors were right? Would they both have sex? I shake these thoughts from my mind and stand up to leave. "Well guys, I gotta go. Have fun tonight! By Alana, thanks for giving me a chance." I say as I leave. She really is a nice girl. Michael deserves someone nice.


So guys, I'm gonna change the title to "My Girl" I think it would fit this a bit better. So it will no longer be called "Alone".

Love y'all!

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