1. The sweet Devil

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Earning a living is difficult...

She worked six days a week, three jobs a day, simply to support herself and her father, who had this incurable disease that ate him from the inside out.

Walking home after a long day seemed to be the most difficult thing for her; she was exhausted and hungry. There isn't much one can do without money and authority, and she was growing increasingly helpless.

She didn't want to cry again, but the memory of what had happened a few days before made her sob.


She feels her phone vibrate in the back pocket of her pants, pulls it out, answers the call, and everything comes to a halt.

"Ms. Kang, this is Anna your father's nurse, he was sweating a lot with dizziness so I had to bring him here. The doctor has requested you." She generally handled situations calmly, but today, with her head on the edge of bursting, she couldn't help but weep.

She hails a cab and hurriedly informs him of the address to the hospital, which is only a 10-minute drive away. His safety was the only thing that mattered right now.

She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her father happy and conversing with the nurse. The physicians informed her of his condition and how he would not survive a heart attack, which would result in his death.

She was passionate about preserving him, even if it meant sacrificing every ounce of her cash, even if it meant working like a madman. Her salary is spent entirely on medical expenses and medications.

They were forced to sell their home and relocate to a modest two-bedroom apartment with one kitchen, one hall, and one small bathroom. Being a poor daughter was preferable to being an orphan for her.

Her life after being abandoned by her original parents had been exhausting and difficult, and her will was crumbling with each passing day until she found him, the sole reason her life had transformed from bitter to sweet. Life's difficulties were treating her unfairly, like a tidal wave slamming the sea banks over and over.

But, with her adoptive father's help, she held firm against the waves like a lighthouse.

(flashback ends)

She walks with pride, her beautiful, sun-kissed hair flowing like champagne as she walks slowly. Her milky white complexion glowed in the lamplight, her almond eyes gleaming despite the sorrow she hides behind those hazel orbs. As she approaches her apartment complex, her bow-shaped lips curl into a smile.

She goes down the alley, her feet tired and her hands hurting, towards the dilapidated apartment building where they dwell. She goes in, a smile on her face for her father.

"Dad, I got your medications and groceries." Her comments were as gentle and quiet as her heart when her father walked into the living room from his room, leaving the bags on the kitchen counter.

The man walked with exhausted, sluggish feet, severely sick and helpless, his face pallid, losing all the color he once had. His body was weak and quivering beneath his thick garments, and his smokey grey eyes were drawn to his lovely exhausted daughter. He meets her with a worn-out smile.

"You know you shouldn't be wasting money on my medications; coronary heart disease is not curable." His voice was frail as he sat on the couch, shaky on his feet. His affection for his daughter is overwhelming.

"I'll make some nutritious soup for you; in the meantime, tidy up," she offers with a grin on her face. It was part of their regular routine. He assists her with breakfast, they clean together, and she departs for work, arriving late at night after three shifts.

He wanted to support her and motivate her to survive, but his age and condition were making it difficult. "I already did wash up, today we have a guest so would you prepare some additional dishes, I'll help," he adds, attempting to get up from the couch but instantly collapsing, another symptom. The dizziness he has when attempting to accomplish work or standing up quickly.

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