11. Hideout

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She clutched the coat so tightly that it threatened to tear her apart, but the way her dignity had been shattered by a small error, she was powerless, laying on the ground clutching the last bits of self-respect in her clutches, but her rescuer, the one who should've done anything to protect her, stood silently watching her. 

She takes a deep breath before opening the passenger door of the familiar black sedan, knowing she'd fall into tears in front of the one man she feels secure with at the time. Sliding inside the comfort of the car, she slammed the door shut with a clang.

Her gaze is drawn to the young man sitting in the driver's seat, hands on the steering wheel, knuckles white, mouth clinched, and fire in his eyes. He didn't want to gaze at her in this miserable state; if he did, he'd be murdering and taking out every eye that looked at her in this form. She didn't want to pretend to be ignorant, but her heart told her to, so she sat silently without making a sound, breathing deeply and trying to hold back her tears.

She didn't want him to bring wrath to this place. She remembers the guy's face who tried to firmly grip her hand but ended up with his leg shattered and face savagely battered. She was so terrified that she didn't speak to him for several days, but things gradually returned to normal.

 After all, he had done so much for her. What she didn't realize was there were three men who had attacked the victim in various ways and at separate times.

The engine scream jolted her out of her reverie, "I'll drive you to our house," the lad stated, his voice gruff and loud, his chilly manner being what she was most terrified of. She merely nods, not allowing the controlled tears to escape, for if he hears her croaked or cracked voice filled with tears, he'll smash everything in the magnificent hotel's hall right now.

What she didn't know was this is just the beginning of her heart shattering, soul traumatizing journey. 

He drives out of the hotel area, windows down, into the open air. He needed to calm down before they arrived at their destination. By their place, he meant their den, where any member of the group may remain, sleep, or relax. There were no strangers permitted in the communal area for all of them. Each of the nine of them possesses a key.

The Kim brothers, Hoseok, Yoongi, Jimin, Jungkook, Y/N and Hae Ri.

She closes her eyes as the cool fresh air touches her face, and for a little time, she feels at peace until the events of the day come back to her. The way Soo Hyun suddenly became cold, the way he kept her near to show the others his possession, the way she was uneasy and on edge because of a certain Kim, the way Joshua met her and recognized her right away kept her on her toes. Finally, the incident almost took her dignity from her.

Her thread was peace was almost on the verge of fraying but she held it together, not wanting to unravel in front of the people who cares about her.

They soon arrive at the parking lot of the modern house, which has a garden in the front yard that she and Jin planted themselves. Jungkook comes to a halt at the front gate, stepping out of the car with a loud thud as he tosses the key to the gatekeeper.

She carefully exits the car, offering a tiny grin to the gatekeeper, who had always tenderly patted her on the head. He was a middle-aged man who had always considered Y/N to be her child.

ARRANGED MARRIAGE || PART 1 (18+) ✅Where stories live. Discover now