19. NEWS

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Numb... All you could feel was numb, you're struck by a million bolt of lightning, your system, your heart, your mind was all electrified but still you couldn't feel your limbs. Everything is dark, you are swallowed by the darkness sitting in a corner making no noise, your hands enveloping your knees, and your tears run dry. This is you, this is your life now.

You can't even feel your breathing or the erratic wave of anger filling inside you, 'I'm dying, I'm dying, I'm dying, I'm dying, I'm dying, I'm dying, I'm dying, I'm dying, I'm dying. You repeat in your mind. The subconsciousness of your mind asking you to get up shower, change and head to bed, but you bury that voice deep inside the rage, the pain, the taste of blood on your lips.

You were quiet because of your friends, you were quiet because you felt it was needed, you were quiet because you knew he would do nothing to your father, but only if you knew, only if you knew what kind of a man he is. What kind of a human he is. Your body was shivering under the cold, you remember the silk draped around your skin. You remember his hands on you, you remember him talking about your father, you remember him mentioning your best friend, how he abandoned you. You remember the empty doe eyes, you remember the pain in your voice.

But you bury everything, every memory, remnants of all the loving memories down somewhere, deep in your mind. In some corner where even you can't access them. 

You are a robot, something your husband created in this house. You eat at his order, sleep at his order, you do work at his order and you talk at his order, you smile at his order.

FLASHBACK (two days ago)

You quietly got in the passenger's seat wondering what the news might be, praying all your loved ones to be safe. Especially your dad.

The ride to home was not long but you were shivering even in the warmth of this enclosed space of his car, and the sinister smile on his face made you tremble in your seat. You needed an escape, something or anything to take your mind off the distorted thoughts. Thoughts that Jungkook might be in a problem, or even Taehyung. All the others are far from Soo Hyun's reach as they do not deal in direct business with him except for the closest two.

Namjoon and Seokjin have bigger influence as they work overseas, but Taehyung, he has just started working. He is still recovering from a heartbreak, which breaks your heart even more. Soo Hyun is direct partner with his investment in Taehyung's firm, it's freaking you out even more.

"Will you stop biting your nails, it's fucking annoying," says the man in the driver's seat and you freeze on the spot. You were not even moving anymore, all you could think was to call somebody, anybody once you reach home, ask them of their wellbeing.

Your breathing abnormal, as you reach the premises of your apartment building. You were forced out of the car as he was literally dragging you inside the building, and you wonder why you are never encountered with anyone else, any other human entity in the building or around it.

Chris gave you a look of worry and yet did nothing to save you. He knew what heinous things Soo Hyun could do to you or might be doing to you, and yet he stood there with eyes on you and within seconds you were dragged into the elevator. The same elevator which made you unconscious few weeks earlier.

You were dragged inside the house in the middle of the living room when an angry Soo Hyun examines the bandaged hand. "So this was it huh?" he was not looking at you, he was looking straight at the wound and with that he pressed his thumb hard on the already bleeding cut.

ARRANGED MARRIAGE || PART 1 (18+) ✅Where stories live. Discover now