3. The Idea

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Meeting Jungkook made me realize that just spending some quality time with a good friend can make you feel energetic, and make you feel that you can handle any difficulty, any problem in life.

He was waiting at his car as usual leaning over the hood, dressed in a black suit with a blue shirt beneath, coming straight from the office, his dark hair perfectly parted with some curls falling over his brow. And the tattoos visible through his right sleeve as he flicks through his phone.

He lifts his head up as his doe eyes met mine, a smile crept across my face as I saw his bunny smile emerge.

He left me off in front of my apartment building after our brief meeting. In this tough moment, his words were the only solace I had. This is without a doubt, the reality that I will have to marry the man my father picked for me, but I have finally found a way to postpone it.


"Just a second Y/N" Jungkook says getting away from me, maybe it's some business-related call.

He had been on the phone for a few minutes and was still on the line. I patiently sit on the passenger side, hanging my legs outside, waiting for him to return.

His muscular back faced me while he conversed on the call with someone.

Jungkook has always been the best buddy I could ask for, being the only friend I've ever had. There was another close friend of mine, but she left Korea to study in another country, where she settled with her husband and her triplets. Many girls would come around faking being a good friend to me while Jungkook was with me. He is the best thing that has happened to me since the news I got about my father's illness. My love and respect for him are so pure that I occasionally get scared, "What if one day he leaves me?" The concept itself is heartbreaking.

A few more minutes later I see him coming closer with a smile on his face.

"I've got a solution for this," he adds, his smile broad and his rabbit teeth prominent. "Really?" I inquire, my one objective right now being not to harm my father.

"Yes, and Tae is here," he continues, causing my smile to vanish. I have a secret that I have never revealed to anyone and by no one I mean not even Jungkook.. "Well, that's terrific," I say with a small smile on my face, he knows about me and Taehyung, maybe that's the reason he was hesitant to tell me.

"So, what's the plan then?" I ask, gripping his hand, his eyes darting back and forth between me and my hands.


I ascend the stairs to my floor, unlock the front door with the help of my keys, and enter my flat. I hope Dad has fallen asleep after taking his medications. I kept the supper in the microwave so he could just heat it up and eat it.

This kind of silence is never in my house not when me and dad both are here, he would ask questions about my day no matter how much late I get, he'll always wait for me. Just to clear my doubt I take a peek inside his room only to find it empty. My body went cold, what if something happened, what if he's again hospitalized, negative thoughts kicking in as I search for him.

I search the living room, kitchen, and both rooms but can't find him. Not even in his own bedroom. The supper bowl is empty, but I have no idea where he is. I tried contacting him, but he didn't pick up.

I'd rather die than feel that emotion again since he's unwell and not at home. Negative ideas race through my head, but I don't have time to dwell on them.

ARRANGED MARRIAGE || PART 1 (18+) ✅Where stories live. Discover now