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The things his words are doing to me, the way I'm feeling pity and hurt for him, the way my arms are wrapped around him. I want to scream in his face that if he showed me a percentage of love I would have stayed but he had shattered me completely. Ruined me for me, or anyone who'd try and come close to me.

There's no ounce of love or kindness left in me, there was nothing I could do to save him, I', drowning myself. I want to tell him that there's still time if he just let me go.

I want him to let me go, the things my father did... I didn't expect but there might be a reason behind it. He told me once how his business partner was involved in illegal activities, how he wanted to leave the company even more, and how he wanted to resign and start his firm but never got the money, capital, or chance.

His health took a toll on him and he was not able to do any of that.

I'm glad at least this person has Chris with him to take care of him but I don't know how will I live after knowing that my only will to live would no longer be by my side.

I sat there listening to all the things he has been through, my heart was breaking for little Soo Hyun who didn't even get to meet his sister. I realize, I know the pain of not having parents, but growing up without them can be a deal. And he did overcome everything but not the way he should have.

He's too uptight, straight, close, and arrogant, he needs to loosen up but I don't know if I'm in any position to tell him that. 

He's in the kitchen talking to someone, it must be important because he was so immersed in our conversation that I didn't know if he would ever stop. I was glad to know about his hardships but going through pain doesn't mean you have to inflict it on others to let them know what you went through. 

I very well knew what is it to live without parents, I have been living without them for almost 8 years when Mr. Kang found me. It is very well-known to me what is it to live without food, shelter, clothes, and above all love. At least he had all those things.

There is no comparison to what we went through in our life, but one could still acknowledge each other's pain, the way I'm acknowledging his.

He storms back into the room with heavy breathing and jaw muscles clenched, I knew there was something wrong.

"You said you'd do anything for your answers... Then I ask you to get changed into something comfortable, we are going for a drive..." He says with a stern expression, I could never get what runs through this man's mind but one thing I knew, there are cameras in this room, and Yujin gave me those little microphone things which I placed under every furniture piece.

I knew they'd be somehow listening to our conversations. Somehow they will know how to track his or my phone, if I ended up somewhere I didn't want to be, someone would know where to find me.

I nod finally gathering enough courage to stand, I would still keep the manila file with me because I don't want him to tamper with any more documents in my name. If he had asked me nicely I would've given him everything, I was living a content life without worries at least but since he entered my beautiful life all I was enabled to see was black & white in this colorful world. He tore me off piece by piece until I became just like him, broken.

He gave me enough reasons to leave the world but I am not a quitter, I wasn't raised that way. I will fight for him until the end and I would live my life for him... 

ARRANGED MARRIAGE || PART 1 (18+) ✅Where stories live. Discover now