14. Back to hell

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"I feel honored to invite my dear wife back to her home," Soo Hyun's voice echoes through the whole Penthouse as you enter wearing the same dress from yesterday. "Where's dad Hyun?" you ask not wasting any time on little chit-chats.

"I feel hurt, you know I wanted to give you time before you adjust here, but keep one thing clear in your mind... This is my territory," he says briskly taking long steps toward you and you flinch at the sudden impact of his footsteps nearing you.

His right hand finds the back of your head in no time, "And you do not order me or ask me questions, you are mine since the moment you signed those papers. No other man can touch you, feel you, or even see in your direction," he says baring his teeth and yanking your head back fisting your hair so tight that a scream of pain leaves your mouth.

This is not the Soo Hyun you expected, this is not the man you met at your house, this is not the man you met at his office and this is the man who was the reason for your humiliation the other night. "You are so two-faced..." you try to make words through the pain but it intensifies as his grip becomes stronger in your hair and he yanks your head leaving your head in a jerk.

"If you want your daddy to be safe and continue his treatment, you better obey me." This was his plan all along... This was Soo Hyun all along, no wonder he tried to save you or tried to help you. He wanted this to happen, he planned all this to happen.

"You are hurting me," you almost scream when he drags you into your room with his hand gripping your wrist tightly, "This is just the beginning Y/N... Just a beginning." And with a loud thud, he closes the door behind you throwing you into the room. 

You land on the floor with a loud thud, you are sure that it's gonna leave a bruise the next day.

"Why are you doing this? What do you need from me?" you almost yell but his soft, slow yet dark voice makes you stop.

"Ssshhh... Keep quiet, It'll be me talking for today." He says and a sinister smile covers his lips when you lift your head to look closely at the man. The man who promised to take care of you, to take care of your father. He was gone.

"Things my dear wife loves the most-" he takes out his phone and reads aloud from the screen, your limbs trembled at the sound of his deep voice.

If his voice was all flowery and sweet at the first meetings and all the dates before the fake marriage, it was all deep and sinister now, you were terrified of the man standing before you. He looked like a hunter who finally got his prey in his claws. Capturing the scared expressions on your face he smirked a new redness to his eyes emitted the devil he possesses inside him.

You wanted to scream to run to escape this hell. You were still oblivion of the cause which was making you uneasy and the dark ruthless expression on his visage just shows his hatred towards you. 

Like he changed overnight just because you stayed with your best friends, as they are the only family you are left with. The only place where you can find solace.

"Number 1- Her precious friends... You will have to get rid of them or I can get it done for you, you choose," the words were like a hammer thrown right into your face. "What are you talking about?" the words came out as a mere whisper.

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