18. HAE RI

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No other girl can babygirl the way Jungkook babygirls... PROVE ME WRONG!



I did not expect to see her in this state, so frightened, so fragile, so lost. But what Joshua told me, how she was being treated by her only hope and husband my mind went bizarre, all I could think was how she have lived her life surrounded by problems and heart breaking events. 

Me being one of the reason feel so disheartened and awful. I need to fix this, I need to fix her, fix things, fix everything with Tae... Tae, oh how I left him without explanations.

Her face has never been this colorless, she was always the center of attention, always the beaming gold rays, always been the sunshine, always have been this piece of joy which started to fall apart since that day. Since the day I thought just about me, since the day I became so selfish and I regret. 

I regret every part of that day but not meeting Joshua, I regret lying, I regret leaving, I regret not explaining the things then and there. I regret running away.

One look at her and my heart is shattering into pieces not so fast but at a very slow pace, like million pieces together but at slow motion. Her eyes no more hold the beautiful gleam, her face no more hold that glow, her soul is crying for help. 

The thing I can't understand, why is she not telling me about her problems? She would always call me if anything happened to her dad or even when she was feeling low, and this Y/n the one in front of me is not only broken outside but her soul, her heart everything seems too sore, too broken.

I have to talk to Jungkook, I have to clear all the misunderstandings between me and Tae, about her and Tae too. And I'll work on saving her. I have to.

I see someone walking in our direction, someone so large and bulky, his hair long almost falling on his face, one look at his all black attire and I know it's Jungkook. Her focus shifts on me from her monster of a husband and the gleam of joy I find on her face as she sees Jungkook was something else. These two are just inseparable. I wonder if she ever got the chance to meet him after her wedding.

But wait, someone is walking behind him catching up to his speed, encircling her hands around his tattooed one and I wonder if he got himself a girlfriend. The red dress on her body looks expensive, and so she does. My eyes shift at Y/N to find any discomfort but nothing. On the contrary she was gleaming with happiness. 

I always wondered these two would make a great couple but she already has her heart for someone else. Someone she won't confess, someone she won't even talk about. This secret lies with her. But the thing she doesn't know- I know her better than anyone, I understand her better than anyone.

And by the time I turn to look back at the approaching figures they both were standing before me. "Hae Ri, how have you been?" Jungkook pulls me up to take me in his arms. I missed this, I missed my friends. I nod letting him know everything is just magical and fantastic.

He looks so different up front, the black t-shirt he wore was stuck to his body like a second skin, flaunting his muscles and lean body more, he was still hugging me and I caress his back to reassure him, I'm here and I'm not going until I clean the mess I created and until I bring back the happiness to my love, my baby, my Y/N.

ARRANGED MARRIAGE || PART 1 (18+) ✅Where stories live. Discover now