13. Memories

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Dinner with Taehyung's family has always been great. And you feel a little insecure with the lingering tension between the two of you now which you feel everybody must've noticed by now. Your eyes moving from happy faces until you reach the one set of eyes already staring the hell out of you, you gasp with your focus shift back on your food which was still untouched.

"Dear Y/N, why won't you eat anything?" asks Mrs. Kim seeing you playing with the fork and not actually eating. 

"I am Mrs. Kim, and as always everything here is delicious..." you flatter her and you could say the warmth and love her smile provided you at the moment was enough to tear you up. You always craved for a woman in your life, being an orphan and adopted by a single father didn't fulfill the wish and even though you were grateful and happy that you got these amazing friends and family, and yet you always lack the warmth of a woman in your life.

'I wish Hae Ri would be here too' , your subconsciousness spoke as you clear your throat and gulp down the golden liquid settled right beside your plate.

You find a hand caress the back of your hand which was placed right above your thigh to find Jungkook softly speaking, "Are you okay?" he questions more like in a whisper and you nod finally feeling a little tipsy. But in truth, all you want to do is cry, you were so emotionally tired and exhausted that you couldn't take more of his softness.

You smile and thank whoever called him to distract him from you but you were relieved once his eyes were on Mr. Kim.

You wanted to get drunk tonight for whatever is waiting for you tomorrow can wait. You remember the text Soo Hyun sent and it sounded more like a warning, and you being bound in the contract now don't want to piss him off or otherwise you'll have to deal with your father's expenses again, not that you mind that but seeing him hurt and being lied is what scares you most.

What if he don't handle it well? His health is already deteriorating and you won't be able to handle if anything happened to him because of you.

You gulp down another glass of the expensive wine sitting on the table and you hope nobody notices the change in your behavior. You scan the table once and it seems everybody is lost in their conversation and nobody would actually mind you slipping off with the wine bottle in your hands.

You slide your chair back with a screech and Jungkook's eyes you frowning, "I'll be back in a minute," you say smiling and he smiles back thinking you must have wanted to either get fresh air or wanted to use the restroom.

Making your way to the kitchen you find the similar wine bottle placed on the counter, you grab the bottle and walk towards the open balcony of Taehyung's room. The only place with the best view and secrecy.

You know this place like the back of your hand as you have spent most of your teenage here with Taehyung and his family, you Hae Ri, Jungkook and Taehyung would sneak up to this balcony with liquor and stay up all night probably chatting or playing.

A chuckle leaves your mouth remembering those days.

You settle down on the cold floor beneath and the chill hits right at your bare skin. The dress you decided to wear today didn't do any justice to the cold weather. You wore a simple ribbed lilac t-shirt dress that reach your mid-thigh, with your white sneakers. A comfortable clothing for outing and not probably suitable for dinner but who cares... that was the only outfit you could find decent enough to wear. You wanted to to lose a little before going back to being Mrs. Kim Soo Hyun.

ARRANGED MARRIAGE || PART 1 (18+) ✅Where stories live. Discover now