5. A safe place

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Her heartbeat quickened as she prepared to disclose the great news, but first she needed to finalise the entire proof plan with Jungkook.

She took him to the terrace after brunch, another hangout in this large estate. The magnificent sun rays striking Jin's garden, which he built himself with her assistance a few years ago. The white furnishings and glass table complement the environment well.

When Jungkook lays some documents on the table, she takes a seat in front of him. "What is this?" her inquisitive eyes searched the folder but couldn't make out anything. "It's your method of postponing the marriage for approximately a year at most," Jungkook responds, a tiny smile on his face. His entire universe was collapsing in front of him and he couldn't do anything to save it.

"But how?" another query escapes the young woman's mouth as Jungkook removes the folder from her hands and pulls out a few sheets of paper.

He was so good with the documentation, being a businessman has it's own perks and privileges.

"Here you see this contract, which may be altered according to the conditions. Simply put, it says you will not marry until you are 25 or have completed your university. You have the right to sue anyone who forces you into an undesirable relationship. And all who sign the paper must abide by the terms outlined below." In a few easy words, he describes the four pages front and back.

Honestly speaking you were impressed by the lad's work, bending a little towards him you pat his back. "Good job Kook, I'm proud of you" saying this you take your seat back which his eyes lingering on you.

She felt elated, but she was terrified of her father's response. "I believe I should speak with Mr. Soo Hyun without informing my father. It will be better." She was considering hiding this contract from her father since she knew he would not consent to it.

"Do you believe Soo Hyun will agree with you?" This is what she had in mind, as revealed by Jungkook. "I guess I'll have to take a chance first." Her remarks were hushed. He didn't want to discourage her, but what else could he do in this situation?

He felt helpless, if not for her father he would have kidnapped her and depart to some place.

They hear footsteps approaching, and he places the documents back in the folder, which is carelessly sitting there.

"Jin hyung is contacting you both, he wants to know what Y/N wanted to discuss about earlier," Jimin adds, drawing their attention as she nods. "Right, we'll be there," she replies, standing and reaching out to accept his outstretched hand. "Come on Jungkook, it's time," she whispers quietly, her voice shattered.

"What are you guys up to this time?" Jimin wonders as the three of them stroll down the stairs. She couldn't answer since she didn't hear the question in the first place, despite having a lot of thoughts and options rushing through her mind.

The flowing drapes and wind added drama to an already tense scenario she imagined she was in. Jungkook stood there quietly observing.

What more could he possibly do? Jungkook was watching her slip away from him silently, which bothered him. It felt like little needles pricked his entire body and organs, numbing him. He was contently watching her as she took long, elegant strides down the stairs, like if she were floating. He wants to take her hand in his and tell her to halt whatever is going on.

She takes a big breath as she reaches the bottom of the steps. Jimin frowns as he looks at her, and Jungkook moves ahead of them taking long strides towards the sitting area, and taking a seat next to Namjoon. He realized he couldn't do anything else except support her, be with her and stay with her till she grabbed another guy's hand and kissed another man at the altar before him.

"Y/N, come sit here," Namjoon says directly to her for the first time. He hardly ever had the desire or opportunity to speak directly to her, but when he did, it was usually about something very important. Based on her reactions, he chose to reassure her that everything is under control and would be OK. Putting her heart at ease.

ARRANGED MARRIAGE || PART 1 (18+) ✅Where stories live. Discover now