9. Ballroom

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She yawns a little as she extends her hands out after waking up in a comfy bed. She felt a little uneasy beneath the blankets, and as she pulled herself out, she discovered she was still wearing her wedding dress.

She blinked her eyes multiple times as reality hits her, her subconsciousness reminds her of being married, whether it be a fake one but she has some responsibilities now. She also passed out on the elevator, bringing up the question of how she managed to get under the covers.

Making her way out of the nice bed she proceeded toward the door on her left which she believed was the bathroom and bingo, it was the bathroom.

The interiors of her room were mostly beige and whites with a pinch of minty green, brown and lavender colors on the furniture and accessories. A simple contemporary design, exactly what she wanted for her room to be always, she felt herself smiling a little. 

The bathroom was completely opposite, with coral vibes, the white tiled flooring with blue tiled walls and there was a shower cubicle separated with bath tub. A dream of every woman. Stripping out of the gown she makes her way to the shower cubicle, she was surprised to find somewhat same products she use there.

She get herself freshened up with a long shower which took her about 40 minutes, wearing some shorts with a loose T shirt she made her way outside the room, in hope to find Hyun and apologize for yesterday's event.

As soon as she exits her room, she discovers a lobby with a room beside her leading to a flight of stairs. Along the way, she passes multiple images taken by various landscape photographers. She was surprised to realize that Hyun and her have a passion for photography. This intrigued her.

When she reaches the end of the stairs, she is faced with a spacious living area that was linked to a balcony, as well as a wide window with white curtains that were fluttering in the breeze, giving the room a much more enticing appearance.

She thought the open area with the arched ceiling on her right was the kitchen since she could smell the cooking bacon or steak and was able to hear a sizzling sound coming from it. She travels in that direction and finds the man she married yesterday dressed casually for the first time, wearing an apron over a white T-shirt and black pants.

"Are you preparing breakfast for the two of us?" She could not help but ask, hoping to startle or frighten him, but despite her tiptoeing, the boy did not move at all. He doesn't even turn to face her once as he responds, "Yeah, I prepared some steak with other stuff."

"I thought I'd startle you" she says giggling grabbing a strawberry milk box from the refrigerator. "My senses are always alert Y/N, I could smell your Vanilla scent from where you were I guess standing at the stairs." he says turning his head towards a bit and all she could do is look at him.

His hair falling on his forehead, his visage coming into her view, she couldn't move her eyes from him, "You look good in casuals" without thinking twice she blurted out the words. A chuckle leaves the lad's mouth as he shakes his head getting back to his cooking.

"You don't look so bad yourself" he says still chuckling to himself, a slight blush crept up her cheeks as she makes her way to the large dining area by the large window of the kitchen.

She was gazing at the man preparing dishes so gracefully and easily, smell of the food was making her feel more hungry and as if he heard her inner thoughts, came out with several dishes on the tray. He place them on the table with her help.

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