7. Fake it

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"I can't believe we're doing this, Kook," the lady in a beautiful pastel dress says as she takes a drink of her coffee and grimaces intently at the guy in front of her. With a simple smile on his face, he imitates her movements with a smile on his face.

He had no idea how many days, months, or years he would fake like this, but her smile and contentment were nothing compared to the piercing ache in his chest he felt every millisecond. His gaze was drawn to her when her soft bow lips curled up in a grin, or how her hair flowed whenever she moved, how her cheeks had a special pink tone whenever she blushed, and how little and huggable she looked right now sitting in front of him. His doe eyes remained fixed on her.

His doe eyes were filled with so many emotions, but she was ignorant to read them.

"I believe Tae will be here in a few minutes; I hope that's okay with you." He looked good in his black overalls, black suit, silky black shirt, hair slicked back, and piercings on display, he looked fine. However, a simple statement disrupted her thoughts "Taehyung? But why is that? "She couldn't help but inquire.

"He got the documentation ready while I was busy in a meeting," he simply said, keeping a poker look. He couldn't keep his emotions in check any longer, so he decided to put on a poker face instead. She merely nodded after hearing his reasoning; she had no problem with the person. When he sees her, he feels compelled to hurt her.

"I think you're hot, Koo," her hazel eyes turned green as the sunshine filtered through the glass window shining towards her, they were sitting next to. He turns his head with wide eyes towards her, her not-so-innocent face displaying no signs of embarrassment or anything indicating she said something wrong to him.

"You're sweating a lot," she says as she hands him tissues. "Oh," was the only word that came out of his mouth when his palm lightly brushed hers while taking the tissues, and all he could feel was heat emanating from her.

They both sat there, waiting for their friend's arrival.

She was advised to quit her work and focus only on her education because it was what her father wanted as now she agreed to marry one of the most influential businessmen and that seemed like a lot of responsibility. With her mind racing, she raises her head, only to be startled by doe eyes looking back.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" she says, drinking the rest of her strawberry and vanilla shake off the straw. "Nothing, you look different today," he diverted the topic smartly, she was relieved to hear as she woke up with absolutely no anxieties. She hadn't slept in years since the last few years had been so chaotic for her that she couldn't even find time to breathe.

She smiles shyly at the man seated in front of her. His heart warms as he watches the corners of her lips brush her eyes, forming crescents.

Her gaze was diverted to the man in the green suit who approached their table with a stoic expression on his face. "Tae's here," her smile disappeared into thin air, and she was even hesitant to grin in his vicinity, "how could you, you have no right to smile," a startling recollection from past caused her to shudder in her seat. His violent remarks rang in her ears as he moved closer to them.

"Hey Jungkook, here." As the doe-eyed slide farther inside the booth, he takes a seat next to Jungkook, in front of Y/N. And as the waitress approaches, he sets the folder on the table. Y/N scoffs at her, feeling she's the same person who had been eyeing Jungkook since they came and was now all over the man with crimson brown eyes, his hair matching his eye color.

He couldn't tolerate the scent of coffee, so he ordered a strawberry vanilla shake for himself, the same as hers. Her eyes were softly smiling as she remembered her past experiences with the man; they used to sip strawberry milk after university hours, in the library, or even while hanging around.

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