16. Pretty Lady

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"He's not well..." The sentence repeating in you head all day. And as soon as you reach the vicinity of your home you cry, you sit on the living room couch you cry aloud. You have been keeping it in so good that it made your eyes burn and heart ache. The man standing tall in front of you gave zero fucks about the matter. 

Not that you care about him but you didn't take him as this heartless.

The last time you saw your father was your wedding day and since that day his health has been deteriorating. You couldn't believe he won't tell you such crucial news when he know your father is the most important person in your life. You feel like the world was against you, the way everything turns out for you, the way every happiness turns into a betrayal.

"Oh, c'mon he's gonna die anyway. The cure isn't made yet. You should stop crying now." His words pierced your soul into two, you couldn't believe he just said that, it's not death that scares you but being alone in this world.

"No wonder your parents left you, you don't deserve the love." You were never the one to hurt people with your words but he brings the worst in you. His eyes locked on you as he clenches his jaw so tight that you could hear the tittering of his teeth even from the distance. He takes long strides towards you removing his thunderous grey coat from over his muscular body, you could see the veins pumping from his neck as soon as he stands across from you.

"WHAT. DID. YOU. SAY?" he asked as if he didn't hear you, he wanted to make you change the statement but stood against your words clearly knowing how much it hurt him, or how much it was affecting him. 

"That no wonder your parents-" your words were cut off mid sentence as his large hand grabbed your cheeks with his fingers digging deep into your skin, it might leave a bruise later.

"You don't get to tell me shit, little lady... You don't know shit," his tight got more tighter with each words pressing out. Your tears falling due to the pain he was inflicting on you. "You don't get to say shit in my life, you are just here because I want you to." 

"Then don't, throw me away to my old life, It was at least peaceful." You cry louder and he loses his grip on your cheek a little. You were baffled by the way his eyes soften but something dark clouded in a second, the affection, the pity he showed was blinked by a cold demeanor in a second.

"You pretty lady, will be in my custody, for how longer I want. And you know I provided your dad with a little gift before coming back." He says with an evil smirk plastering his face before leaving you there on the couch.

One thing is sure, You hate this man.

"Hey Ri, how have you been?" you ask the lady on the call, keeping your smile intact. She was absolutely suspicious of the way you were acting these days but the good thing is she didn't say or ask you anything about that. "I'm good Y/N, but you don't look good, and whatever it is I wanna hear it once I reach there." She says making you realize she'll be here in front of you in a few days, with the triplets.

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