6. Sparkle

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The next few days went by she worked unceasingly and her father helped her around with the house chores. She has always been thankful to her father, even in this health condition he was doing this much for her. And on the other hand, she was feeling bad for hiding this contract thing from him.

It was Saturday already the day she asked Mr. Kim Soo Hyun to meet with her. She tried to do some laundry in the morning but her fingers were clumsy from all the work so she gave up. And then as she was sitting in the living room, watching TV, her father came in and sat down next to her.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you with the chores today." He said apologetically. "It's just that I don't have much energy lately." his face was glum and tired, and she couldn't help but keep a smile on her face.

She looked at him sympathetically and grab his hand. "It's okay dad, I'll do it all by myself." She tells him with a smile trying to reassure him. It wasn't like she was upset, she choose this life and so she doesn't have complaints either.

"Yea.. thanks, sweetie." He said before getting up and leaving the room silently.

She already took the appointment with his secretary yesterday as he was busy the whole week, she couldn't wait for the conversation about the contract any longer, not after yesterday.


"Y/N you know sweetie, I will never want anything bad for you and I'm happy that you finally agreed to his proposal. He'll keep you happy and there's nothing more I would want in my life." his face lightened up when she gave her consent to the proposal.

The happiness he felt was nothing compared. Her heart swelled up seeing her father in tears but he assured her it was nothing. She was aware of how he was having breathing problems lately, and she was aware of his condition worsening day by day, she already saw the test reports and visited his doctor only to know he have about 4-5 months left in his life span.

She broke down as soon as she came out of the hospital, her body numb, tiny droplets of rain drenching her whole body but the coldness from outside felt nothing compared to the rage she was feeling inside.

she could think of just one thing, 'am I that unworthy of someone that everyone leaves me at the end'

(flashback ends)

She changed into a white dress that reached her knees, giving her the appearance of a doll with a minimum look of just a little lip tint and light makeup, and made her way out, grabbed her phone, handbag, and folder.

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