24. Things I hate about you

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You feel so delighted to get it all out of your system, the fact that your friends just had a heavy lunch with so much laughter, just like your university days. Even Yoongi seemed to laugh and pull jokes here and there, you felt happy wearing a beaming smile after the whole episode of breakdown, full after so long.

You didn't know how much more you can stay before you go back to the shithole and surrender to his wrath again, but as Jimin suggested there was more to this, Soo Hyun was not acting rashly, he was a calculated man and if he was keeping tabs on all of your friends that makes him even more dangerous for now. 

You were worried about each one of them at this rate. Your eyes glancing at every happy face sitting at the dining table.

"So what were you gonna tell us?" asks Jungkook impatiently, you laughed at the guy who was fidgeting with his fingers, the same guy who can tackle three men together in a jiffy. Your voice startles everyone sitting in the living room and in a few seconds they all join you. 

It was beautiful, the moment lasts for a few minutes before they hear the front door open.

"Ohhh I wonder, who it might be?" says Jimin with a playful smirk fixing his clothes before standing. The guy has so much up under his sleeve like a magician that you all sometimes wonder how much of a mind gamer is he?

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present you the automobile heiress, Miss. Choi Yujin." Everybody stood surprised, and when you say everyone, even Jungkook had his mouth open in awe, she looked so beautiful and strong that one gaze from her could snatch your breath in instance. But all-over Jungkook's expressions were the most noticeable, the boy changed from surprised to angry to confused real quick.

This might be the biggest plot twist and turnover in your entire life.

"What the actual fuck hyung?" Jungkook's wide eyes were enough to let you know he was completely oblivious of her being here. She wore a beige skirt suit with black silk shirt underneath, her brown heels complimenting the outfit with nude lipstick. She looked ethereal, and for the first time in your life you felt completely smitten by someone who isn't Hae ri or you.

"Calm your ass down Jeon... Hi baby." BABY?, She says completely engulfing Jimin in a hug, were they dating?

"Before you all question us, she is not my girlfriend, her interest are more dumb and muscular men." It was now your turn to laugh, everybody in the room understood the point except the guy in question, he still looked at her as if seeing her for the first time. 

"We worked together in the past," and it clicked to Jungkook, both of them are known hackers. All brains in the room.

"Hey Y/N, we meet again," she takes you in her embrace and you let her, she was not bad and maybe you were having a little inferiority complex. You sit down as she shakes hands with Taehyung and Yoongi before hugging Hae Ri.

You feel a hand sneaking down on your waist slowly, and the man himself leaned in just near your ear, "you know you are much stronger and beautiful than anyone in this world." his words provided extreme confidence and solace to you, your heart hammering inside you as he plants a soft kiss on your temple. It was all like before, like these 5 years never happened. Like he was the same Taehyung who befriended you, who provided you with so much love that was irreplaceable, not even Jungkook could take his space in your heart.

ARRANGED MARRIAGE || PART 1 (18+) ✅Where stories live. Discover now