4. Soiree

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With all the conversation coming from outside, the morning was not as tranquil as she had hoped. She reaches out her hand and takes out her phone to check the time. "Shit, it's almost 10, I need to cook breakfast," she exclaims as she leaps out of bed and rushes to the toilet to finish her daily ritual.

Walking from her room to the living room, she notices two men laughing and conversing on the couch.

"Dad," she screams out to her father, curious as to who else is with him; the young guy turns to face her, she looks at him, her face full of amazement, her mouth gaping.

"My daughter, your friend here, joined me at the grocery store, also helped me with all the house chores." Her father was overjoyed as she was surrounded by such humble and helping people.

Her eyes were stuck on the lad sitting beside her father who held the same smiling face throughout.

He didn't work as a male model, but he should have. His rich, mother lode-gold hair had a rippling aspect to it, a symptom of extremely good health. His full lips formed a grin when he approach her petite figure. His only flaw would be his gentle disposition.

"Won't you at least say hi to me?" he asks, as he makes his way toward the girl, taking modest steps towards the stunned girl who is standing frozen at her spot. Slowly he breaks into a full smile, his eyes become crescent standing in front of the lady.

"It's been a long time, Y/N," the young man says standing in front of her, leaning slightly to read her emotions. She snaps out of her daze and embraces the man warmly. Only the words "Jimin" leaves her rosy but chapped petals. Her beaming smile was enough to tell how happy she was to meet him.

Jimin was delighted to see her too; Jungkook seemed her greatest friend, yet he was more like an elder brother to the girl. Since high school, he has been too protective of her.

Jimin and Y/N went to the same high school, but they never had much interaction because he was only a senior at the time, but he felt compelled to defend her from bullies ever since. He was as astonished as she was to see her again when Jungkook presented her to the group as his closest friend.

"Did you come to pick me up for the get-together?" She asks, detaching herself from him and admiring his lovely face. "Yes, Jungkook wanted to come, but he had some job with Tae at the last minute," he adds, clearing her concerns without even asking.

The good thing about their relationship is he always gets whatever she wants to know or maybe she is very expressive.

"You're going somewhere?," the old guy interrupts their conversation with a grimace. He had never questioned her before, but now the situation was quite different he was now worried that Soo Hyun would misinterpret her having so many male acquaintances and spending so much time with them.

"I wanted to tell you yesterday dad, but you were already sleeping when I came, we're holding a small get-together at Jin's place," she says. Her response was precise, but her expression revealed something different.

"Okay, don't be late" her father read the expressions on her face, and with a grin, he made his way back to his room, he didn't want his future son-in-law to believe differently and he also didn't want his daughter to feel guilty about meeting the only friends she has.

"Go change, everyone is waiting," Jimin adds, pulling her towards the room. She walks inside, perplexed by her wardrobe selections. She wore a meagre white top with black slacks and had her hair in a simple braid with two strands touching either side of her face. Touching up her face with barely any makeup, putting on a little lip gloss and sunscreen, and giving herself a flawless dimpled grin, she wears her white sneakers.

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