22. The Truth

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"We are here." Chris says pulling up at front of the enormous house, your hideout. The safe place, the comfort place, your home. "Just call me once you get free ma'am, I'll pick you up." He says as you stand before the large ebony steel gates. 

You find the middle-aged man in his cabin, you have never seen anyone else other than him, gatekeeping this home abode. "Y/N, my daughter, they are all inside." He chirps out loud and you can't help but smile, the daughter word weighing so much more than ever now.

"Thanks Pete." You thank the man as he gives you a silent nod with a large smile on his face. You walk down the cemented path mirroring his smile, it's been long.

You were definitely not nervous but your heart was palpitating so loud that even Chris would hear from the distance he stood. "I'll be off," he says before getting in the car as you walk further inside finding your lilies still bloomed, the new ones. That brought a genuine smile on your face.

You didn't want to call them and tell you are here, you wanted to surprise them a little.

Further walking inside you find the glass doors, you slide them open to find Jungkook sitting comfortably on the couch with his mouth filled with Teokbokki. The view you were quite familiar with. He still didn't decipher that you were here, and as you made way towards him, you stop hearing the ruckus coming from above.

You hear two people talking, shouting even, crying. You try to listen carefully and you recognize one voice, as she was the only one talking at the moment, no she was the only one yelling at the moment. "Hae Ri," you breath out before climbing the stairs, oblivious of the pair of eyes looking at you frightened. 

"Y/N, stop." He tried to call you back, he tried stopping you but you didn't listen, all you could think about was Hae Ri and why was she crying. Your mind run to various scenarios but never in your life you guessed about what was happening in front of you right now.

"She was never wrong, she did everything so that she could save me. I had no chance with you Tae, never." You stop in your tracks looking at the scene unfolding in front your eyes. They didn't gather your presence until now. And you didn't know whether to be happy or sad about it.

"It's not about her right now, talk about us, why did you left, leave me without explanations?" His voice came out stern, you were about to step in when a tug on your already wounded hand stopped you, you look back.
Jungkook shakes his head as no. "They need this, for them, just don't." He says making you step back.

You stand there waiting, stand against the wall with Jungkook still holding your hand, he didn't notice the bruise yet and you silently pray he never does.

"I told you, I needed to pursue my dreams and you were holding me back Tae. I didn't want to leave knowing you'll be hurt behind me. I tried to break up several times, but you were adamant of making it work somehow. I was not in the state to let you jeopardise your career as well as mine. You were lost Tae, even when you were with me."

"Lost? I was fucking lost for 5 whole years when you left. And what about talking Ri, what about conversations? You should have talked to me about it." 

ARRANGED MARRIAGE || PART 1 (18+) ✅Where stories live. Discover now