21. Broken, Shattered, Quiet !

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"I love this version of you much better, baby." You shudder at his cold touch, his body moves so gracefully that sometimes you forget he is in the same room as yours. "No more fights, no more restraining," he takes a seat just before you dragging another chair from the kitchen island closer to you, the only thing which keeps you sane is his touch for now. His knees grazing your exposed ones making your breath hitch. All you could think was to escape, to run this shithole, to disappear from his life.

"Moreover, I don't like the new hair you know, but it isn't that bad, it gives you more me vibe. If I could I would have my name tattooed on your buttery skin." The thought itself was nasty, but your emotions were hidden somewhere underneath the pain he inflicts on you daily. 

He made you cut your hair, the most lovely possession of yours, something he loved. Something he always made a compliment about, something you cherished more in your life. The long mid thigh length hair were now cut short to mid back, you cried yourself to sleep that night.
You cry yourself to sleep almost every night since you got to know about your father's demise, and he's losing his shit. 

Joshua has been ignoring his calls for sometime, and he is getting desperate for his investment. Although his company didn't take a big hit, like what he did to Jungkook's. You recently got to know about the retrieved partnership of some influential people which pretty much damaged 30% of his hard work.

The shattered soul still needs a closure, she still needs her father's letter which he has been keeping in his vicinity. You were desperate enough to find it, hence doing everything, even the absurd things he ask of you.

Your heart, mind and soul, he has shattered, broken, and crushed each part under his feet. You felt nothing, 'I am nothing...' you repeat the syllable daily unceasingly. He has captured you in his darkness so much that even writing isn't providing you any solace.

You come out of your thoughts with a jerk when you feel your phone ringing yet again. Hae ri has been calling you non-stop since the day you met her but you just couldn't bring yourself to call her, not yet. You were not ready to face her yet, just one word from her and you knew you'd break down again. 

"Why are you ignoring her calls? Don't you know how much important she is for us, for me?" His voice raised and you could feel yourself shrink under the loud voice, he was on his feet looking down his eyes red, you were scared to look up, scared you'd forget to even breathe.

"Answer me god dammit," he shakes you and all you do was shake your head, this is torture, this is death. "I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't," you repeat yourself several times not listening to whatever he said. His words a blur passed through you.

A loud voice echoed the whole living area, you were down holding your right cheek and bloody lip under your hand, your other hand protecting you from falling altogether. And you realize, he just slapped you, hard.

"Don't you know how crucial this is for me, for MY company, and yet you bring your stupid emotions in between this, ARE YOU FUCKING DUMB?" You didn't know if the it was his voice or the mere notion that he slapped you, nobody, nobody in you whole life has ever raised their voice at you except Taehyung and he just slapped you.

You didn't know if you were feeling stinging pain because of his slap or because of the idea that he was stripping your self-esteem, your pride layer by layer and you couldn't do anything.

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