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Sketch turns off the T.V as his eyes start swelling up and gets bloodshot, a tear falls out of his left eye. Bandi opens the door to the house and walks inside.

"You good?" Bandi asks. Sketch doesn't answer, instead he grabs the car keys and runs out the door. Bandi immediately runs after his brother but Sketch was already gone.

Sketch stops the car and just sobs. But something made him just stop, start the car and drive somewhere he didn't even know existed.

He stops and unlocks his car. The car light reflecting on his bright orange hoodie was the only light he had. Where was he? Well it looked like a cave.

He walks in, and he sees something. Sketch gasps as he realizes what it was. It was 1x1x1s sword. He didn't know why he did it, but he grabbed it.

When he lifted the sword off the ground a flash of light appeared within a second. If anyone was to be here, they would've been blinded.

He opens up his eyes and well, he isn't in the cave anymore. No, he was in a void. "Hello, Sketch." A very deep voice says.

Sketch turns around. He didn't see anything until he completed the turn. Sketch saw a man with black clothes, black hair and a black mask with a green X where the mouth is supposed to be.

"You've seen what they say about you on T.V, Sketch, imagine what happens when they aren't being recorded." Sketch didn't think about that, but they're his friends, right? Sketch tried to talk but after crying for a while, he just couldn't talk.

"Sketch, friends don't say that to eachother." Sketch was confused on how he knew what he was thinking, but then again, it is 1x1x1. "Sketch, join me, you'll have full control, but you'll get stronger, show them how strong you actually are." Sketch hesitates before letting out a "Fine." In the highest note he's ever heard, and shaking 1x1x1s hand.

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