Hey Guys I'm Really Trying

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Hyper watched the group get into their separate cars. It was now Hypers turn to stare in disbelief. From killing his own family to hearing that Sketch was missing, it was to much to say the least.

Hyper slowly got into his car, his glasses are soaked at this point. He drys his glasses, and follows the gang to the headquarters.
The gang storms through the headquarters. (This isn't the first time.) "Sabrina, Dj, Russo." Kreek calls out. Nobody answers. Kreek calls out again, but just like last time, nobody responds.

"Kreek, I don't think there here.." "No really?!" Hyper rolls his eyes. He's sick of the boys arguing, but at least they weren't missing.

Denis was walking back and forth hoping for a simple solution, when his phone rang. "Yeah?" "Well that's helpful isn't it?!" Kreek and Tanqr looked at eachother, both knowing that can't be good.

Denis hangs up and faces the other four. "The last person to see Sketch is Bandi, and the last thing he saw was Sketch leaving."

"Does he know where he left to?" Ashley asks. Denis shakes his head no. "Bandi said Sketch was crying, though." "Does he know why?" Again, Denis shakes his head no.

Ashley looks at her phone, and it's dead. Of course right when she needed it. "Give me your phone." She says to nobody in particular. "Why?" "Just give me your phone."

Kreek gave her his phone, having done the same thing in the past. Ashley knows this number by heart, having called it a million times. She dials it whispering "Please pick up, please pick up."

"Hello?" "Keysio! Where are you?!" The boys look at each other confused. "Meet me at the rb battles headquarters, its an emergency."

"Can I have my phone back." Kreek says putting his arm out in front of him, Ashley rolls her eyes but gives him his phone anyway.

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