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"Wait wait wait, seriously? Brookhaven?" Molly says in the most disgusted tone. "Yes." Ashley says. "We need to find out who or what took Sketch."

Holly got nervous. A feeling she has never felt. She didn't trust this. but then again, she was the weak one in the group.

Hypers attention came back to driving when Denis goes "Are you sure this is the way? It looks like we're going in a cave." Hyper nods his head. "Yes. I've gone a thousand times Denis." Hyper responded.

The cave was pretty dark. And I mean it is a cave, but it was an unusual dark. A dark to dark to be in a cave. Not even the car light could shine in it. But that was ok, because it was just an one way road.

Finally, they see light. (After a few hours.). "Alright, Keysio, what's the directions to the club?" Hyper asks. "Jesus christ, man is driving and doesn't even know where to go." Betty mutters, low enough for Hyper to not hear, but loud enough for her friends to hear.

After a while of Keysio explaining where the club was, they finally reached it. The squad got out, except Holly. Holly's eyes were stuck on something. And from the expression she was making it wasn't a good thing.

Molly noticed her best friend basically paralyzed. "Hey, Holly, are you ok? Trust me, I don't really trust them either." Molly says, before looking at the thing Holly was staring at.

"Guys. Guys. GUYS!" She exclaimed. "What?" Hyper rolls his eyes. Molly gets up and points to what Holly was starting at. It was as if the town was glitched. A black void with orange, blue and green bits in it was approaching them. It devoured the entire town.

Hyper gasps, before yelling "EVERYONE, VAN NOW!" Kreek looks back confused before he sees it as well. Hyper was already starting the car. Luke, Ashley, Sarah and Betty got into the back, with Holly and Molly already being in.

Everyone rushes into the van. At the speed Hyper was going, he would probably be taxed a lot. But this was life or death. His heart was racing. He didn't even know where he was going, until he reached another tunnel. Kreek, being the most mature starts assuring the squad by saying "Everything is going to be ok, alright. We can outrun this."

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