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"Yeah, but first give us at least one room, Hyper over here is about to pass out." Bandi points to the man sitting down.

"Right this way." Dani says. Dani leads the squad to the elevator. "So.. are you ok? Do you need anything to eat, any water?" Dani asks. She pressed the button to go to the top floor.

She leads the group to the first door. There was two beds and two couches. Hyper heads straight to the couch before passing out.

"So..what's up with him? I mean I heard that you guys haven't slept in a while and that Sketch is missing." Dani asks.

Ashley sighs. "Him and his squad were investigating an abandoned house. Hyper was to scared and left the others to die. We went back earlier today and saw one of the lifeless bodies."

Dani looks at Hyper and back at Ashley. "Excuse me, but can I turn that lamp?" Kreek asks. Dani nods her head. Lego and Kreek rush to the lamp.

Two to three years of finding notes, and solving problems has lead them to this. They aren't going to let it go to waste.

The squad walks to the table near them. The note was ripped right after the word "the." Kreek pulled out a sticky note the same size. Lego was writing down words that would fit the empty space until he reached the word "club." This process itself took a few hours.

"A club?" Lego asks. "There's a club in Bloxburg and Brookhaven." Ashley said. "Ashley do you know what this means?!" Keysio says. "We get to give the boys a makeover!!" "No. Peetah, Ashley and Hyper will be the ones going in. Everyone else will be watching. Once they find who were looking for, then we'll jump in." Kreek stated. Nobody really argued. It was a pretty solid plan, (and also it was Kreek.)

"The reason Ashley, Peetah and Hyper are going is because they're familiar with both city's." "Kreek, you do know that we'll have to dress nice, right?" Peetah says. "Yeah, and look at us! We haven't changed in days!" Ashley says dramatically.

"Actually, there's a clothing store around the corner. I can take these two to get a dress and some suits with the tip money." Dani says. "But we don't know Hypers size." Ashley points out. "Whatever, we'll get a random size."
The three drive over, grab some cheap clothes and rushes back. "Now to explain to sloth killer what we're doing."

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