Fearing Trauma

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"Why?" Kreek asks. "If there's one thing I learned, it's to not touch any liquid in a glass jar, especially if they're around." "Hey! I know we're 'bad guys' but we did not start that!" Betty, the girl with high blonde pigtails says.

"Hey buddy, your helmet is a little scratched." Denis says, facing Lego. "WHAT?! Does anybody here know mechanics?" Lego asks. "I do." Keysio says. "Great. We need to make this helmet look as good as new." Lego says, walking over to a table.

The green liquid flows over to a statue. A statue nobody in the room has seen. "What's that?" Ashley says. "Actually, now that you mentioned it, I've never seen that in my life." Hyper says. 

"Hey, why is that moving." Bandi points to the picture behind Molly. Kreek and Tanqr immediately pull out their swords. Luke notices the two pulling out their swords, so he tried to run out. The door was locked.

Holly noticed more glass cracking. "Hey if any of you guys have some super human abilities, use them." Holly jokes, but Lego yells "I'm trying-wait never mind, it's fixed." Lego knew damn well it wasn't fixed. But he remembered what he grabbed at the last second. More and more green liquid falls onto the floor, leaving only a table to stand on.

"We have to get out of here somehow! If this is how I die I'm going to haunt Poke from the after-life." Hyper gulps, knowing that if anyone were to be haunting them, it'd be Poke.

"Guys! There is no reason fight, I have one idea, you see the amount of couches and tables? Maybe we can use them to climb out of here." Dani points to the window at the top corner.

"There's an easier way." Lego says. He grabs the teleportation trap and disappears. He opens the window from the outside, grabs a rope and pulls it down.
"Alright, Hyper, what the hell is going on?! I heard you gulp when I mentioned that I'd haunt Poke." Sarah yells, climbing down from the roof. "Poke, Cari and Ashli are dead, and Sketch, Russo, Dj and Sabrina are missing." Hyper explains.

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