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"Alright, so..." Sarah starts. "We should probably use it, now. Mostly everything started on the same day." Hyper adds on. "All in a specific order. It can't be a coincidence." Lego finishes.

Hyper puts in the date, just like Mr.Boringsworth told him to. "Alright how do we travel -." Hyper gets interrupted by his own screams as him and the gang gets sucked into the machine.

"Are you sure this is it?" Hyper asks, before putting a hand over his mouth. Hyper cringes at the sight of his past self. Molly pretends to throw up at the sight of Poke. The gang follows past Hyper and his squad as they walk into Bandi's house.

"We should split up. Ashli, come with me. Hyper, you go with Poke. We'll take the left, you take the right." Cari says, turning on her flashlight. The house was very dark, the only light being the green chandelier in the middle of the room.

    The squad followed the two boys. "Hyper, are you ok?" Poke asks. Hyper was his best friend, he knew when something was wrong. "I'm fine, Poke" Hyper covers his face. He knew what was going to happen next. "Hyper, I am your best friend, you can tell me anything." Poke says spotting a key.

Hyper grabs the key, throws it saying something along the lines of "I'm fine, Poke!" "Dude, what is wrong with you?! That was the only clue we had." Poke points out. He looked around for a door that matched the keyhole.

Hyper knew exactly where it was. He ran over to the door blocking it. Hyper got very annoyed at Hyper by this point. "Hyper, move." Hyper shakes his head no. Poke tried to get Hyper to move, but it was as if he was a wall. (A crying one at that.)

    "We got a crybaby over here." Sarah laughs. Everyone ignores her. "Do you know something?!" Poke asks. Again, Hyper shakes his head no. He gave up. As Poke unlocked and opened the door, Hyper ran out.

Poke walks into the room. Hyper watches his past self run out. "Hello?!" Poke shouts out. "That's the kitchen." Bandi points out. A shadowy figure appeared behind Poke, grabbed one of the kitchen knives and stabbed him. The man fell face first, his flashlight showing only a glimpse of the killer when he fell.

   "He has an orange hoodie, it was a blink you miss it." Holly points out, tears forming in her eyes. "The only one with an orange hoodie is...SKETCH?!" Denis screams.

    "That would make sense, having the investigation at Sketch and Bandi's house!" Lego says, turning to face Bandi and Denis. "WAIT! We need to go over to Bandi's house to see what happened to Sketch." Kreek points out. And once again, the gang gets interrupted by their own screams as they get sucked into the machine.

"Hey, that's me!" Bandi points out, as he sees his car being parked in the driveway.The gang follows past Bandi. "Don't. He's going to be coming out any minute now. Get in the car." Bandi says, walking over to the car.

Sketch comes out from the house, crying. Sketch starts the car, and leaves. Bandi tried to run after his brother, but it was too late. From the fifteen people, and Sketch, it was pretty cramped.

    After a bit of driving, Sketch stopped the car and just cried. It was a horrible sight to see, especially for Denis, Dani and Bandi. But something made him just stop, start the car and drive somewhere the gang didn't know existed.

    Well that was a lie. They knew it existed because they were already there. "Where's he going?" Ashley asks, already knowing the answer. "Come on! We have to follow him!" Kreek says.

He walked into the cave, and somehow could see. The gang needed a flashlight for each of them. The gang walks towards him. Sketch gasped, and so did Bandi. "1x1x1x1's sword." Bandi mutters. Sketch didn't know why he did it, but he grabbed it. A flash of white appeared. When Sketch." Sketch had to complete a full turn before seeing him. He was a man with black hair, black clothes and a black face mask with a green x where the mouth should be.

    Peetah looked at Hyper, and then 1x1x1, if he didn't know better, he would've thought that Hyper was 1x1x1. The conversation between the two zoned out as Hyper stared. That was him, but he was here. Hypers mind went back to what Mr. Boringsworth said. "I am currently working on trying to make one that could change the past."

Peetah shakes Hyper as his mind goes back to the present well past. "What?" They were back in the cave. "1x1x1 manipulated Sketch."  Denis was shaking and crying with Tanqr comforting him. "The reason why Sketch was crying is because of the things Denis has said on RBB." Ashley says, joining the two boys.

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