Shaking Ground

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 "A mine?" Luke says, confused. He never thought somebody of high-worth would hangout at a mine for fun.

"Yes. This was the first ever spot he would hangout at." Bandi says. "Why are we here anyway? My clothes are getting dirty." Keysio says. Ashley hits her in the arm. "This is not the time to worry about clothes, Keysio." Kreek says, walking in front of the group.

"We should split up. Molly, come with me, Luke and Betty, Kreek and Lego, Peetah and Hyper, Ashley and Keysio, Bandi and Denis, Dani and Sarah, and Tanqr you go with Kreek and Lego." Holly says.

"I'll take left, Dylan and Peetah, you take right. Everyone else, center." Kreek tried to argue, but Molly had the right idea.

"Hey Peetah, do you ever get deja vu from somewhere you've never been before?" Hyper asks, walking on top of a rail-road. "No?" Peetah responds. From everything he has been asked, that was by far the weirdest. Hyper shrugs and continues walking. "Hey, what's that?" Peetah asks, pointing to a circle of light coming from the left side of the mine. "I don't know, but we have to go see, it could be a sign that somebody needs help." Hyper says, already running towards the light.

"You know, if you were to tell me a few days ago that I would be helping Hyper solve a case, I would laugh at your face." Molly says, kicking a rock.

Holly laughs. "Second that." The two best friends have never had alone time like this. I mean sure they had sleepovers here and there, but Poke or Hyper always had to ruin their fun. But today they were working with the person who tried to ruin their life.

The two talk for a bit, mainly about what they'll do now that Poke, Cari and Ashli are dead, and that they befriended Hyper. A noise that sounded like two rocks smashing against each other became hearable through the two girls left.

Holly looks to her left. "Uh.. did you hear that?" She asks, but by looking at Molly's scared face, she knew she heard it as well. Molly nods her head. The two chase the sound.

Holly has always wanted this. She didn't hate the boys. She always wanted to be a protagonist instead of an antagonist. She always wanted to be a part of the BPD.

Molly, on the other hand, didn't. She liked being a scammer. She liked all the friends she's made. All the adventures from running from the duo, she loved it.

The one thing the girls had in common, however, was their self-centered personality. The two opposites got along perfectly.

They ran and ran until they saw what caused it. And honestly, it wasn't that hard to tell. "Oh my god." Molly mutters. In front of them was a giant hole. What seemed to be at least eight feet deep. There was already a ladder. "It's like it knew we were coming." Holly says, looking at the hole, then to Molly.

"Give me your flashlight!" Molly says. Holly gives her her flashlight. She shines both towards the sky. It wasn't a lot, but it was enough for the center group to notice.

"Are you guys ok?!" Luke asks, running towards the two girls. "Yes, but that's not." Molly says, pointing to the hole.

Once the whole group was here, they started going down the ladder. Kreek first, as he always thought of himself as the leader.

As soon as Hyper got down, the ground started to shake. It was almost as if nature itself knew about Hyper's future. "What's happening?!" Dani freaks out. She knew Denis told her to not come, but she did. She got herself in this mess, and she's not leaving until they find this man. Little did she know the man was behind her. 

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